Vanessa Palmer Blas Ave: A Ring above New Vanessa
Palmer Blas' Prominent Presentations ... Top Model, Actress, Ambassador, Spokes-Model, Host, Fitness Model, Bikini Model,
Hair Model, Skincare Model, Face Model, Eyebrows Model, Eyes Model, Eyelashes Model, Nose Model, Cheekbones Model, Smile Model,
Lips Model, Teeth Model, Chin Model, Make-Up Model, Ears Model, Earlobes Model, Neck Model, Neckline Model, Back Model, Shoulders
Model, Lats Model, Traps Model, Pecks Model, Arms Model, Biceps Model, Triceps Model, Chest Model,
Abs Model, Waist Model, Wrists Model, Hands Model, Fingers Model, Nails Model, Hips Model, Gluts Model, Legs Model, Thighs
Model, Quads Model, Hamstrings Model, Knees Model, Calves Model, Ankles Model, Feet Model, Toes Model.Vanessa Palmer Blas achieved respect stating to the Supreme Court
of the US, I'm pressing charges against frauds forever.Vanessa Palmer Blas is White light.Only this Vanessa's
real, number 1. Vanessa Palmer Blas is White European American, straight, Roman Catholic, was
in a relationship, Republican, from Manhattan of New York City.Only this woman.Vanessa Palmer Blas embraces her British French American name, while
beautiful, unquestionable, faithful, and inimitable. Palmer's English.She's the strong palm tree.She went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and brought back palm branches as proof she'd made the journey.In early history, Palmer represented a missionary.Palmer's early origin is Anglo-Norman, following
the Norman Conquest of 1066.Palmer was found in Yorkshire with a seat from early times, and first records appearing
on the census rolls by the kings of Britain determining the rate of taxation on their subjects.Palmer was of the first to cross the Atlantic to North America.Palmer, according
to genealogy, her origin is German.Her ancestry is Dutch.Her motto was a war cry.The palm is for virtue.Blas is from Brittany France.William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy became
the King of England in 1066.He claimed Brittany and Normandy as possession of the English crown.Blas settled in the US in the eighteenth century.Blas is proud and love.Only this individual.Vanessa Palmer Blas was acknowledged for being the youngest, undefeated,
00 sized, blond, five-foot tall, brown-eyed, petite, bombshell, slender, solid with no body fat, 90 pounds with her body mass
index at 14, unpredictable. Only this girl. Who's getting pulled out of a lineup?Not her!
Only this lady. Vanessa Palmer Blas has her 34-inch chest, full D Cup, 21-inch waist, 32-inch hips, body in proportion,
perfect hip alignment. Vanessa Palmer Blas has had 0 injuries, 0 surgeries, 0 restrictions, 0 limitations.Vanessa Palmer Blas is the International Champion, irreplaceable.
Vanessa Palmer Blas is the Figure Champion, Body Condition Champion, Fitness Champion, Champion Dresser, Presence Champion,
Personality Champion, and Audience Popularity Champion. Only this mature woman.Vanessa Palmer Blas is God's British butterfly, Camberwell Beauty,
invincible. Vanessa"Butterfly"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: For
the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. -- Joshua 1:9. Vanessa Palmer Blas said I won’t ever drop
charges.Only this Vanessa’s the 10, the perfect package.SignedSpecial Agent Palmer They had pets: a German Shepherd dog, named
Polo, a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, Bailey, Joe the cat, and Misu, a kitten. LordePinkSlashLuluCherJanice JoplinGilberto
Santa RosaBruno MarsElvis
FBI Chief of DallasMiss. Marion OaksCIA
KansasMiss. OcalaMiss. TampaFBI
Marion CountyMiss.
Marion CountyFBI Marion OaksMiss. Sabana GrandeCIA
IsraelMiss. AguadillaRacial Profile Director of the NYPDFBI SummerfieldFBI
Captain of SummerfieldFBI Chief
of SummerfieldPentagon Director Pentagon
her parents picture was in t/ st therese bulletin for their 45th wedding anniversary, this yr too3:48 pm edt
her mom served in church, Thommi was their waiter at ihop, felix was their Server, inc., etc.3:34 pm edt, bruno took a walk w/ tomko, inc., etc., and they went to lunch, to ihops, at
ihops, ate out, had lunch out, she had t/ Cannoli pancakes, in and w/ a combo2:36 pm edt am edt
she got a blue cove top, a rambler top, a rumbler top too.9:41 am edt
she took a walk w/ deana, and her dad took a walk w/ toni, and bruno w/ tony, and her mom w/ tona, inc., etc.8:34 am edt
gladys knight and t/ pips had visited her mom.8:27 am edt am edt
Saturday, June 29, 2019
gloria had a party at st theresa, harry, all of them11:42 pm edt
and her parents had a party at st theresa, bruno, shawn, al, henry, her grandpa too11:39 pm edt
her dad had a st joseph party and an angel party too10:11 pm edt
they saw and she was in Sister of the Bride9:46 pm edt, dionne warwick visited her, her mom, them, her dad, also w/ saul9:22 pm edt
her mom had a st lucy party and they all went8:39 pm edt, she had produced t/ Lulu show, years later, as well.8:35 pm edt
she paid for her mom to be in Color as Lulu on tape, and her in t/ pictures, her, herself, and her then, Manager, her dad,
inc., etc., her dad, too, and therefore, al also at one time or another.8:33 pm edt
she was t/ Exec. Producer of t/ Newt Gingrich Show, on Podcast, for her mom to listen to, too, inc., etc., and then harry,
at t/ same time, also.7:19 pm edt
she was, used to be t/ A.P., P., and the Executive Producer of The O'Reilly Factor, and she came up with the Slogan for the
show, TV Show, Television Show, inc., etc.7:14 pm edt
they saw and she was in Marrying Mr. Darcy7:08 pm edt
she got and read Italian magazine, Italian Cooking magazine, and she and ryan had documented and read, had gotten all of t/
magazines from t/ book shelf at freedom library, and t/ books too, inc., etc.5:58 pm edt
she got t/ purple, Gemini lip gloss, in wet wild, coloricon, t/ Sagittarius one , in pearl white, beige shimmer, and an Aquarius
one, in pink shimmer, beige shimmer, also, throughout time.5:33 pm edt
she got t/ Better Homes and Gardens, Lavender & Sweet Orange oil, oils, and t/ Dial, in Pear scent, scented, anti-bacterial
soap, inc., etc., for on top of t/ bathrm sink, t/ bathrm sink soap.5:30 pm edt
stephan b made her crucifix, and he gave it to her too, another one, during and after war, her charm for her necklace.10:25 am edt am edt
she and shawn had a St. Theresa Party w/ her parents, benjamine, kimmie, eric, eric 2, chance, hunter, lil shawn, pat, patrick,
inc., etc., and then another one, there too, at St. Theresa.10:01 am edt
her and hoegie had had a, t/ Virgin Mary Party w/ her kids, too.9:44 am edt
earlier, she had taken a walk w/ jason and bruno9:35 am edt
she took a walk w/ tanisha, and later on her mom took a walk w/ taneisha.9:33 am edt
her mom took a walk w/ carmencita, and her dad w/ ramone, and later her dad took another walk w/ ramoncito9:32 am edt
she had taken a walk w/ nadia, she got t/ Biosilk, Trio, shampoo, conditioner, and Silk Therapy, inc., etc., t/ pack, too,
and had used it for years, especially, in t/ cia.8:35 pm edt
she got t/ Coty, Wild Musk, Cologne Body Spray, Perfume.8:27 pm edt
they went out to eat, to dinner, went to mcdonald's, and she had t/ Quarter Pounder with Cheese combonese, she went to mcdonald's
farm, too, jc pennies and so on.6:46 pm edt
she had a piece of lemon, melon, honeydew, she had a snack at t/ va, t/ villages va, and walked there, exercised there, and
trained there as well.1:40 pm edt
her dad and arod had had built t/ Parthenon for her to enjoy w/ her family, 1509, shawn and her dad, for her, them to have
fun w/ their friends, inc., etc., bruno took a walk w/ reggie, inc., etc., her and bruno had gone to t/ St. Anthony party,
they all did, she had gone to t/ St. Theresa party w/ her boyfriend, her family, her parents, another one, several, many,
her dad, her brother, her whole entire family, her friend, and friends, fiancee and husband, children, kids, daughter, son,
daughters and sons, also, pastor, deacon, monsignor, priest, choir, ministry, ladies guild, eucharistic ministry, reading
ministry, lectors, in lectorship, choir, readers and choir singers, inc., etc., and she went to t/ Apostle party w/ grandpa,
slash, bruno and her dad another time, inc., etc., and her mom also, t/ kids and all, more family and friends.1:27 pm edt
samuel j was her other orisha, they were her Orishas1:21 pm edt
and then they threw another St. Theresa Party w/ Kimmie, w/ all of them, as well, inc., etc.12:59 pm edt
harry was her Federal Lawyer/Black House Judge too, and harry threw, they all did, slash h's Apostle party, in theme, too,
she threw a St. Theresa Party w/ all of her kids, and family too.12:58 pm edt
samuel j was her U.S. Marshal, and t/ other one was her Black-house Federal Judge, and she was a Tax Evasion Specialist, and
Audit, and then an Audit Judge, that, at that, in t/ Black-House, too, as well, per harry, then, and he specialized in Hearings
for her, and Pre-Hearings for samuel j t/ other one, and she worked on Pre-Hearings for Harry, and was a Specialist at that,
in Pre-Hearings for shawn and then harry, as well, and her mom was a Tax Payer, they all were, consistently, and slash was
her lawyer, federal lwyr and dea agent as well as joaquin p., joaquin, too12:48 pm edt, rob z. was her Orisha, and juanca sr was her dad's orisha, too., and they were
bro and sis, brother and sister min, mins.12:17 pm edt am edt am edt
she took another walk w/ Melanie, Melanie Davis had gone to school w/ her, h.s. at that, also, inc., etc.9:31 am edt am edt
she took a walk w/ Fabuya, and then later, another one w/ Ine, and her mom w/ gloria, and her dad w/ tony, later, later on,
much later.
she coined t/ term, Rheumatoid Arthritis11:24 pm edt
her and john h, t/ son, read t/ large, largest, Chakra book together.11:17 pm edt
she taught t/ Chakras of the Body Course in t/ Fbi, and Terrorism 101 w/ hoegie too in t/ fbi Course of Study.11:03 pm edt
her and bruno got a bruno tissue box, and her and slash got a slash tissue box, her and her parents got a rockefeller tissue
box too, they all had one, got one, her dad tweaked, redid her mom's ring, setting, resetting of the stone, diamond, too.10:53 pm edt
she got a european tissue box, slash had a slash party, bruno had a bruno party, she had another pink party too w/ kimmie10:48 pm edt
and hoegie threw her w/ her parents a Virgin Mary Party ever since she was little, and she grew up, and t/ kids attended one
and her kids, too.10:32 pm edt
and her and slash gave st. anthony another cake, and slash w/ her threw him a St. Anthony Birthday Party, inc., etc., which
he wanted to do, and he, they gave him his shoebox, and his st anthony tissue box.10:31 pm edt
and if she got that message which it did, she was a saint, and she got t/ virgin mary tissue box, and t/ st. anthony tissue
box, too and t/ rose tissue box, and t/ st. theresa tissue box, and t/ st vanessa tissue box, and t/ st victoria tissue box,
and she got for her dad t/ st joseph tissue box, and her mom t/ st lucy tissue box, and t/ st zory tissue box too, and harry
they gave him t/ st harry tissue box, inc., etc., and she was given t/ st theresa bracelet by st anthony, and he gave her,
and all of them her and their blessing.10:05 pm edt
dax was t/ bomb, for her and dac to ignite w/ ryan, and before that send off too, inc., and dac was a 00 00211 from and for
b.c., too mins, as well.10:01 pm edt
she got, and they had t/ Southwest Chesse and Corn Dip, by Tostitoes, and she had gotten St. Anthony his cake, and put t/
inscription on it, inc., etc., w/ bruno also, and he babysat bruno for her when he was a kid.9:59 pm edt
she was Gulf, Persian, Gulfean, Gulfen, Persian Gulfean, Persian Gulfen, inc., etc.6:51 pm edt
she had Gulf food, they had Vietnamese food6:47 pm edt
she fought in Normandy in and at t/ Normandy war, inc., etc., and she had read Orson Welles' book, and War of t/ Worlds, watched
t/ movie, w/ hoegie, and all of them, william, william miller and so on, made it a movie night, she was in t/ Gulf war and
in t/ Persian Gulf war.6:31 pm edt
she went to t/ Gulf war w/ hoegie, and t/ Persian Gulf war w/ john h t/ bigger one, then w/ anthony e later, then w/ john
h again, t/ bigger one6:28 pm edt, they had chicken sandwiches, and she had a chicken sandwich, w/ panko along w/
ranch dressing, a Gulf sandwich6:24 pm edt
eric had worked on ptsd in fbi pentagon, and w/ her.5:59 pm edt
she went was in Delta war, w/ eric, in Sky, Delta war, inc., etc.5:58 pm edt
Emeril had cooked at her wedding, and made a cake for her when she was a little girl, and then another cake for her wedding.5:42 pm edt
bruno took a walk w/ able, her, holly somewhere else, too, and her dad, david, at another time, and mom w/ t/ other iris somewhere
out there4:07 pm edt am edt
shawn had created Soul to Soul w/ her mom11:55 am edt am edt
she was in Soul to Soul, and in Parallel 9, and shawn and slash too9:36 am edt
slash created destiny's child, too, and soul to soul, w/ others.9:35 am edt
that's how she was booked in black groups, black Female groups, too, inc., etc., slash had booked her, put her in destiny's
child, too, all-over again the next yr, twice, on and then on to something else, for taping, for t/ taping, inc., etc.9:26 am edt
arod was her Dominican Hitter, Shooter, she was in Destiny's Child, t/ lighter skinned one, just like in En Vogue, also, and
in Soul 2 Soul, too, inc., etc.9:24 am edt am edt
her dad got his b 12 shot also, and his Bed Covers, Bed Pads from t/ VA, also, just in case, he has an accident, in t/ bed,
too.10:33 pm edt
kevin bacon gave her an ash tray, and a valentine heart for her and shawn, and t/ kids, t/ largest one, w/ a big card, he's,
was shawn's Uncle, downstairs, his great uncle too10:14 pm edt, and she had done stepan's leg also, twice, five times, w/ hoegie, and he gave
them, hoegie a hoagie and her mom also9:34 pm edt
ralph had gotten her t/ zevo insect repellant, johnny, her parents, shawn, and ira, alex, alexa, and then iris again, kapri,
then kyle, mark too, t/ other one, multiple times, and john r.8:04 pm edt
and chris, and sean gave them zevo too, her also, totally, separately.7:37 pm edt
iris had gotten her Zevo - Insect Repellant, Bug Killer, and her dad, too.7:35 pm edt
she got a pair of black, riding pants, for horse-back riding.1:59 pm edt
she got and used Phisoderm, while, and then in Cia Federal, also, and out, since she was a kid.1:25 pm edt
she had gotten t/ Nu Skin lotion from t/ fbi, and william gave her one too, and of t/ dial soap, and t/ shower gel of t/ dial
for shawn too, and of t/ scottish soap, au lait, also, as well, and thensome.1:23 pm edt
she, they saw, took a trip, to see t/ piano w/ t/ keys out, standing out, and she had played on it, on those keys, ever since
she was a kid, many times, in a row, and throughout her career, also.11:24 pm edt
her mom's had never been replaced, and then they all were per her dad, and then her w/ william muller, also, and t/ deal's
done.11:19 pm edt
her dad's Former FBI-Hitmen, Hitmen in the Fbi were all replaced by her years ago.11:18 pm edt
and Cesar R. was her dad's Fbi-Hitman, as well, and Jose L. was her mom's Fbi-Hitman, then, and now, also, all of theirs.11:17 pm edt
bruno walked a bit w/ jose h, and shawn w/ jose l, later on, too, and w/ her too, separately, and then together, as well,
and Andy Perez was her Other Dominican Shooter, and he was her FBI-Hitman, per her grandpa, both of them, on paper and all.11:16 pm edt
Domingo was william muller's and her Shooter, Dominican Shooter, and then her Hitman, her dad said, and A-Rod was her Dominican,
Fbi-Hitman too, inc., etc.11:12 pm edt
t/ other ira j was swiss, too, they had watched t/ news, again, and dwight cleaned, and polished her teeth, and yvette, robert
and jonathan, all of theirs.11:06 pm edt
t/ other one, william muller i was swiss, robert s mueller iii was swiss, william muller ii was swiss, also, inc., etc., eric
cross was swiss10:42 pm edt
and william muller was American, and he was her American hitman9:28 pm edt
bruno was invisible during high school, in t/ invisible file william muller and then or william miller and then bruno too
and then taken out, too, and william muller ii was a Cracker, was her Cracker hitman, and william muller put her on as Cracker,
under Cracker, and she was also a Quaker, and so was her dad and bruno too, all together9:18 pm edt
her mom, and her dad were on so you think you can dance, and bruno took over for her, so not rudy anymore, bruno was her Puerto
Rican hitman8:56 pm edt
rj was on so you think you can dance, and william muller iii was swiss8:43 pm edt
cornelius went to see her in tampa, again, and denzel washington was African-American, and he was, used to be, her African-American
hitman8:20 pm edt
she explained Chief-wise, as well for herself, in t/ fbi too, to william muller and harry also7:57 pm edt
she explained on her file per captain file of her own, and that got erased, and filed away per william muller, per Invisible
File, and gone and she explained Captain wise7:56 pm edt
jared l was her White hitman, and jared j was her Jewish hitman, she had a white hitman and jewish hitman also, at different
times, at two different times, inc., etc.7:22 pm edt
she had a Sicilian hitman, and an Italian hitman, also7:15 pm edt
they got and had a sandwich on Multi-Grain bread.6:48 pm edt
they got a foot long Hoagie, and cut it in three, thirds, and they got a large bowl of fruit, she had a piece, pieces of watermelon,
strawberry, pineapple, and grape, grapes, inc., etc.6:46 pm edt
arod, alex rodriguez was her Hitman, other in t/ Fbi5:54 pm edt, she was Black House Federal, and so was Ben M., B.M.4:41 pm edt
she dressed in blue and green marine, and black and grey federal, also, inc., etc., did that, and had a snack at church, at
t/ library, at take charge, west marion4:38 pm edt
they saw t/ Star Trek exhibit at freedom lib.4:26 pm edt
she wrote her Bio w/ Shawn, and then w/ Joe G., too.10:17 am edt
she used Aveeno in t/ cia, for her skin, to stop itching on catches, dirty catches of prostitution, in t/ prostitution ring10:14 am edt
she had invented milk, solely her, dad said, and then cows and stuff like that w/ shawn, and ducks for her dad to see, also10:12 am edt
her dad invented chocolate w/ harry for her mom, and for her, sparingly, it's good for you.10:11 am edt
she invented aloe vera by herself, harry said, says, and he put her in a Phisoderm commercial, a kit kat commercial, a doublemint
twins commercial w/ her sister, sitting right there, in unison, w/ a parent there, watching her, them, inc., etc., he created
Unisom to sleep, etc., her dad used it, and harry was t/ Head of the Hari Krishnas, also, and they all were one, each, too,
or a Buddhist Monk, Monks, they were all Monks, as well, and thenso, thensome.10:05 am edt
her dad had invented t/ Rolex, watch that is.9:40 am edt
her mom was 14, she was 14, like her, shawn was 14 1/2, and her dad was 15 yrs old9:38 am edt
she took a walk w/ laila, and bruno took a walk w/ abel, then later she took a walk w/ marie, then marisol, too.9:34 am edt am edt
Monday, June 24, 2019
jane had done her hair, and her mom's too, dad's, and rosie c did theirs also, and eric j too and t/ whole gang, lol, jk11:08 pm edt
Mary Brit was their neighbor two blocks up, and she taught her at oct, ocala civic theater, joe g/harry paid for her classes
there and at cf, and for her mom, harry at oct and at cf also11:02 pm edt
she was lil baby by slash per him, harry and blac chyna him, them too, and her mom, her parents, her dad, dad, and in city
girls by ira and shawn, slash too9:01 pm edt
they watched, and she was on t/ bet awards, too, and she played guitar during t/ Fantasia performance, and her mom and harry
wrote lucky day for her and her dad w/ bruno and shawn also8:27 pm edt
she had ice cream, vanilla w/ ghirardelli caramel pieces, crunched up.7:16 pm edt
joe j was her dad's Jihad Assasin, Jihad Assassin, and for her too, and her mom, also, then all of them, inc., etc., and bruno
was her Brother Assasin, Brother Assassin, and he monitored AA Meetings, on the side, also, and ll cool j. mins, and she had,
ate from time to time Sweet Plantains, not so much Dry Plantains7:03 pm edt
crack cut off t/ cocaine messaging and vice versa, t/ cocaine cut off t/ crack messaging, too, inc., etc., and people were
looking to inc., incorporate cocaine, and on t/ other hand get a patent for it, and others for crack.5:46 pm edt
her parents had gotten her all of t/ notebooks, and ben m too w/ her and w/ shawn also, and w/ bruno, too, al and grandpa,
inc., etc., and little ben, and she got a pink notebook w/ and that said Love on it, w/ a white magnolia, and a light, and
medium, pink rose, w/ roses all over it.5:29 pm edt
and so, ira j signed to t/ right of her handwriting, and then to t/ lft, and then before that, then, after, ben m signed to
t/ rt of her, w/ a Star.5:24 pm edt
she went to Paris University, w/ john g. roberts, jr., and samuel alito, jr.4:36 pm edt
they dried all of t/ sheets on t/ line in t/ garage4:28 pm edt
and Michael, t/ son, was Gambino Hitman4:18 pm edt
her dad was Capone, a Capone, had won Capone, and won 1st Capone-Hitman, 1st Capone - Hitman, and then, before that Slash
-Hitman, and he then got 2nd Slot - Hitman of Capone, she was Capone-Female, she shot females, inc., etc., her dad shot kids,
her shot babies, also, and thensome, and grandpa won Capone Hitman, he killed them all, inc., etc.4:15 pm edt
their grass and lawn was cut all-around t/ house4:02 pm edt
and Giovanni Gottie was also, 2, her Sicilian mafia assasin, 3, 4, ss, for later, when he's older, gottie said, but on the
Gottie side, Gottie's son, as a Gottie.3:57 pm edt
michael giovinazzo's father used to shoot for her since she was a kid, and her dad ever since she was a kid, too, and grandpa
was her italian mafia assasin per her dad, too, inc., etc., and michael giovinazzo's father per her grandpa, ever since she
was a kid, w/ bruno, also, inc., etc., so she had protection from and by Gambino.3:52 pm edt
grandpa had made her a cop in t/ nypd and al had made her nyda, a nyda, person, a nyda person, inc., etc.3:29 pm edt
4 ss meant slash was older, older than her, t/ same age, yeah, rt, right, yeah, right, inc., etc., and eric j., was her Sicilian
Assasin, Assassin 4, Sicilian Assassin, he created Assassin's Creed, she played that w/ him, too, and ira, ben, also, she
loved playing video games.3:27 pm edt
hoegie was a German assasin, so was she at some point, was, in t/ German Mob, she was as a German Assasin, amongst other things,
and she, her mom and her dad were Rockefeller assasins, Rockefeller assassins, 3, 4 ss, inc., etc., her dad was Rockefeller
Assasin, The Rockefeller Assassin, 4 ss, she wasn't a 4 ss yet, b/c she wasn't old, or that old, her mom, inc., etc., but
their 3, 4 s's, slash was a Snake Assasin, was a 4 S, Snake Assasin.3:14 pm edt
she'd cleared ben's jail, ben m's w/ a red shirt, and she, they, cleared out t/ black, 0 black jail w/ a pair of black pants,
she was on Parris Island w/ eric j, eric, and Michael Giovinazzo, t/ son, was her Gambino Assasin, out there, and Ben Marciano
was her Hitman-Assassin in t/ Special Agency, and Eric J. was her Cop Assassin, inc., etc., and Joe Girardi, was her Italian
Mafia Assasin, Assassin, inc., etc., grandpa was her Italian mafia assassin, but he was her grandpa, so joe g got t/ title
in t/ fbi, they were all fbi2:50 pm edt
they had washed all of t/ blankets, and linen from t/ porch, and bruno took another walk around w/ jose, and joel later on,
also.2:27 pm edt
bruno took a much later walk, w/ ira, also.1:59 pm edt, harry went to work, walk w/ her mom, and clear her files, file, too, inc., etc.,
she took a walk w/ alexa, then later becky1:57 pm edt
father tom put her parents' picture on t/ st theresa facebook for their anniversary.10:43 am edt am edt
jose i gave her an outfit, as a gift, present, too.10:10 am edt
Jose Irizarry was her Dad's Hitman, also, including on his anniversary, both of her parents' anniversary, as well, and was,
is full-time, a Full-Time Employee, inc., etc.10:01 am edt am edt
father tom was her mom's friend on facebook as a priest.9:36 am edt
eric was on Z100, and her too, w/ her mom.9:34 am edt am edt am edt
puchin was t/ head of choir in t/ fbi house, in t/ fbi6:59 pm edt
she had taken Gregorian Chant, Gregorian Chants w/ slash h in t/ fbi, and then in t/ pentagon, she took gregorian chant, their
version w/ ryan, inc., etc., also, and then they all took it in t/ fbi by harry w/ him, too, shawn, al, he invented it w/
harry, grandpa, pat, patrick, kimmie, ben, hunter, chance, connor, and conner, connerette, connerete, connerette, in columbo,
too, and she and her dad took Columbo Class.6:49 pm edt
she went to t/ Vatican School, sent by, and from, per her grandpa, and to Roma School w/ samuel, as well, and her mom on t/
phone, too, w/ harry.6:38 pm edt
and her grandpa sent her to Spain University, too, and therefore, and ira sent her to georgetown university, and she was and
did a Walmart jingle as and w/ Bomba Estereo, brought to u by ira, also, inc., etc.6:36 pm edt
and Vinezia, was a wine, like and a champagne, and eric m gave her that, one, a lot of it, champagne, in t/ fbi, and out,
in t/ fbi, fbi, inc., etc.5:43 pm edt
ness was just short, a shortening of her name, Vanessa, Vaness, and in Italy, Viness, and in France, Vinezzia5:42 pm edt
she was a ness when she was a kid, in brooklyn, as and in an fbi kid, and an eliot ness in t/ fbi too, when and as a teenager,
as well, inc., etc.5:40 pm edt
and she w/ her mom named eric eric, for and w/ permission, b/c eric m was eliott ness, and had, was t/ eliot ness program,
ness is and was actually a term, in Cop in t/ NYPD, inc., etc.5:38 pm edt
and they, then, again, for kimmie's name, ira helped out on that one, totally him too, and joe j. liked that one too for him,
in bombing, a kimmie bomb for harry, inc., etc.5:37 pm edt
bruno took a walk w/ joseph, also, and she had named chance due to and a life at a chance, for a chance, and t/ Chance perfume,
chance as in heads or tails, inc., etc.5:35 pm edt
her dad took a walk w/ brian, and then jose, too.5:34 pm edt
and her mom, and her dad, al, grandpa all went to t/ manhattan school of music, just like at horizon where they went too,
no it's different, it was, very, exceptional.5:33 pm edt
saul/edna sent her to Colorado Christian University.5:29 pm edt
she took a walk w/ denise, she gave her a body wash kit w/ soap, and eric gave her a pureology kit, t/ works, t/ whole collection,
inc., etc., and dre gave her a biolage kit, more biolage, and then again, too, and thensome.5:23 pm edt
and she, they, had named ben, Benjamin over Private Benjamin, t/ Benjamins, meaning money, and Soldier, meaning also a soldier
at war, her and shawn, w/ david too.4:33 pm edt
bailey was t/ code for war, in baez, in t/ 00 agency, too.4:30 pm edt
they fill up her head w/ vanessa, baez, and her dad joseph, and harry and her mom, w/ baez, too, and thenso, and her dad,
too, inc., etc., thensome, and they fill up her head with any variation of and w/ vanessa and baez too, and w/ bailey.4:29 pm edt
she got a gold, and amber, Rose rosary, a big one, a large one, a small one, and a medium one, also, and thenso, thensome,
inc., etc.4:11 pm edt
her parents renewed their wedding vows at St. Theresa's for their 45th wedding anniversary, and her parents gave Father Tom
a card w/ some money in it, 15-20 dollars, over time too, inc., etc., they went to church on their anniversary, and they had
gone to eat, to dinner for their anniversary, too, and her mom got a new blouse, and her dad a new shirt, a dress shirt, inc.,
etc., and mary gave her parents a bouquet of flowers, and her parents gave Father Tom a card, too, for handling the service,
as well, that were Pre-Made, Called Before, and Re-arranged, too.1:31 pm edt
she got a blue Cove blouse w/ dots, inc., etc.10:12 am edt am edt
claribel gave her a packet of Biosilk, and eric, pureology8:57 am edt am edt
Saturday, June 22, 2019
and all of their kids were also enrolled in t/ After-School Program, so they could be watched, still, also, if need be, in
case of emergencies, and so on and so forth, highly critical, and in matters, just in case, inc., etc., pat, patrick, benjamin,
kimberly, lil shawn, sue, violet, chance, hunter, conner, connor11:26 pm edt
ira took her and hoegie w/ t/ kids, her kids, to t/ Escapades, w/ her mom and dad too, shawn w/ henry, w/ all of them, inc.,
etc., separately and together, again, and then separate again, if they had too and did many times for their job.8:50 pm edt
her mom took a walk w/ fany, her dad took a walk w/ benny, she took a walk w/ erika, and bruno took a walk w/ alex8:41 pm edt, they went to Creole 21 Prime restaurant, they had pinot, pinot g., and she had
Mariscos, con Salsita.7:04 pm edt
samuel gave her successories, and a successories poster, also, and pen, pad and pencil, thereof.10:08 am edt
she took a walk w/ Dina, and then later on, she took another walk w/ claribel, and then her mom took a walk w/ bruni, and
dad took a walk w/ david, then, again, inc., etc.10:06 am edt am edt
Friday, June 21, 2019
and her dad went there again, w/ al, then bruno w/ grandpa and thenso, w/ all t/ kids, their safety was Lebanon, at that time,
at t/ time, Turkey, then.10:49 pm edt
and eric met them on t/ way there, also.10:49 pm edt
she had gone to Lebanon w/ puchin, and hoegie too, and shawn on t/ way, there, too, also and thensome, and michael, also.,
too.10:48 pm edt
she and ryan went to t/ American Civil War house10:45 pm edt
her mom was on american ninja warrior and she fought at t/ barclay center9:09 pm edt
and her mom and dad got their bags too, and her and mom, her and dad, bruno and dad, john a and dad, shawn and dad, w/ mom
too8:10 pm edt
shawn had gotten her all of t/ bracelets from walmart, too, and her and ryan had gotten t/ tissue box together, and her and
william mu and then ryan too, they got their garbage bags, and shawn, bruno, al, and her grandpa too.8:09 pm edt
and ira got her all of t/ lip glosses at walmart, and then again at another time, too, and thenso.7:59 pm edt
007 had gotten her all t/ watches from walmart, and all t/ dials, dial soaps, hand soaps ryan, and they jotted down everything,
IF they hadn't at some point in their lives, and had, also and thenso, and thensome.6:49 pm edt
they had hamburger helper, more pasta, and bruno's album came out at wal-mart6:46 pm edt, her mom took a walk w/ maryanne, marianne, mariana at a different time.1:02 pm edt
they put more sheets in t/ porch, to soak up t/ wet, wetness, from t/ rain getting in, inc., etc., 5, 6 sheets, 1, 2, 3, 4,
two in each section.10:46 am edt
William Muller III was head of IC3, t/ head of IC3, previously was her, she passed it down, passed it over, passed it up,
and onward, inc., etc., and Hoover made himself in charge in cleaning out, cleaning 0s, t/ 0 File10:34 am edt
her dad took a walk w/ eddie, and her mom took a walk w/ hellen, and bruno then took a walk w/ danny and then miguel, as well.10:10 am edt
shawn took a walk w/ zoraida, zori, zory, many times, too.9:57 am edt
bruno took a walk w/ sylvester, joe, joey, junior, joseph, at different times, and jose, also.9:56 am edt
she went to t/ Tara house, and then t/ Yankee house, as well11:50 pm edt
they saw and she was in t/ Life Achievement Award show, and both she, and Denzel W. won for Human Trafficking, catching it,
in t/ fbi, and out, w/ t/ Life Achievement Award.11:40 pm edt
they saw and she was on t/ Lifetime Achievement Awards, Award10:46 pm edt, harvey was w/ t/ killers and robert was
w/ mumford & sons, also10:27 pm edt
and david, and she had won at Wheel of Fortune when she was a kid, inc., etc., too and thensome, and thenso, too.10:01 pm edt
gorbachev gave her t/ Red Star, t/ Russian Red Star.6:09 pm edt
she had a platoon tissue box, a black hawk down one, and a valkyrie one, given to her too, and she got them, also, yrs later,
and a russian box, given to her by rp, g6:09 pm edt
she got t/ color glossing in her hair, again, cut across, she's letting her hair grow, out, again, no longer at t/ cranium,
at brain, half-brain, no longer shaving, razored, or piko'ed, inc., etc., or shaved in t/ back, but cut across at t/ bottom
of her neck.6:08 pm edt
she had t/ Caramel Ribbon Crunch frap, frappe at starbucks, a pink Birthday Cake Pop, and a ham/ w/ swiss, cheddar sandwich
Breakfast, The Breakfast.6:01 pm edt
she got her hair done, roots done, dyed, a hair trim, hair trimmed, washed, and styled, w/ toner, eyebrows waxed, and upper
lip waxed, too5:59 pm edt
she was of t/ True Religion of and in Germany, of the Hitler Religion, per Hitler, and Germany, including Berlin, and stayed
Berlin.5:49 pm edt
she took her aspirin w/ her in her purse, in her purse pill box, inc., etc., and she had and brought herself a snack and had
it in t/ hair salon, while waiting.5:24 pm edt
hitler gave her brown leather gloves, he caught all of her prints of anyone trying to shake hands w/ her, and she'd had brown,
Franciscan gloves, her mom had given her brown gloves, and before that she'd had and was given black Hitler gloves, too, before
that, then.5:20 pm edt
she was a Hitler, and in the Hitler Regime4:57 pm edt
she was Hitler daughter, at another time, in the Hitler army4:55 pm edt
her and her dad were both Vietnamese, because they both fought in Vietnam two different times.4:52 pm edt
she was William Muller's Assistant, he manned her website, and even in under, he shot to that, to it, and hoegie did also,
jared, jared j, and Hoegie, John Hoegler won Assistant to her in t/ FBI, he was her Assistant, he shot all t/ way through
until the end, and by resume that was in consideration, and signed off on by, two, then five signatures, inc., etc., John
Hoegler was her Assistant in the Fbi and out.11:39 am edt
she was, had been, Assistant to the Special Agency Director, Ben M., again.11:34 am edt
Ben Marciano used to be t/ Special Agency director11:19 am edt
they saw and she was in Falling for You10:01 pm edt, scott
was t/ Scottish prince9:00 pm edt
and she had walked on later, on a later date w/ eric j4:24 pm edt
and then she had walked w/ ryan on another, and at a later date, ira, then ira again and thenso, thensome, also.4:03 pm edt
she went on a walk also then, w/ jim j, arad on another, too and thensome, and bruno and shawn had tagged along, as well.4:02 pm edt
and mom walked w/ anna, then anne, and dad, david3:18 pm edt
then she walked w/ jim k later on in t/ week.3:15 pm edt
on another day she walked w/ jared j, and then at another later date, she walked w/ randy j, and then tony j, again, too.3:15 pm edt
she then took a walk w/ tony j, and tina too, then, on another day, also3:14 pm edt
and then she went to Ginny's, and she had a snack there, with her, also, on another note, on another day, too.3:08 pm edt
she went to have lunch at rosie's, and then she went for a walk, w/ glenda, and then eric, later on, again.3:04 pm edt
she had gone to Desiree's to have breakfast3:00 pm edt
her mom spoke w/ valerie, and her grandpa gave her a party at mesa de note too, a couple, more than a couple, threw one, threw
it, and joe g too, and shawn, and her parents too, w/ shawn and bruno, bruna too, above and under.2:16 pm edt
for christmas, she had taken shawn, there, and to t/ ayutaya cuisine house.2:11 pm edt
her and shawn went to dinner another night at Ayuttaya cuisine, in town, too.2:10 pm edt
she used to take black choppers down, eric green ones down and her mom orange ones down and david yellow ones, down too, and
her dad sky blue ones down as well that were trying to land also and jfk, jfk kennedy planes, jr planes down too of t/ same
and of t/ sort and shawn of t/ sr. kennedy ones, one, planes, also, and thenso, thensome, inc., etc.2:06 pm edt
she got t/ Coconut Caramel Latte coffee creamer, and her and ryan documented all of t/ creamer, and t/ cleaning and house
utensils for ryan to use, and her all of them, inc., etc., and ira t/ house supplies, and housing supplies, matty, then also
on another, and different note eric, other things.10:28 am edt
her dad got his Urinal, J Balvin visitted her at The Villages, and Joe G too, and Nancy L10:19 am edt
her dad got his Commode, Side-Commode from t/ VA, The Villages Va, inc., etc., and he got a Cushion for his Wheelchair, slash/slash
hitman had visited her in The Villages10:18 am edt
bruno took a walk w/ will, and she took a walk w/ shirley9:54 am edt am edt am edt am edt
her dad went to his follow up apt. from and since t/ hospital.9:37 am edt
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
and ara was her programmer in 0 as well11:48 pm edt
they all went to Arigato's to meet up w/ hosanna many moons ago, she had thrown shawn a party there for his bday11:37 pm edt
and her dad and grandpa had each gotten her 212, etcetera, etcetera.11:23 pm edt
arad took her to a steakhouse, bruno walked w/ ira, and able heart was ira j, also11:20 pm edt
so arad was a 13 from day one in t/ fbi and nick j after 10 mths but had been checked off at t/ same time.11:09 pm edt
she was in Boot Camp with Matty, as well, and nick jonas had applied in t/ fbi to be a 13 and he then and before that to be
a joe, and was, inc., etc., too and thenso, and arad had through the fbi applied to be a 13 for her and for himself, and they
were both checked off.10:37 pm edt
Nick Jona, Nick Jonas was her Official Programmer in t/ Fbi and then also out by Arad, and thenso, and Val Kilmer programmed
her jaw and changed it, w/ william muller, william miller before that also, and thensome, and her eyes.10:26 pm edt
her and saul had created hanson w/ her mom, and her dad, inc., etc., and bel biv devoe w/ her mom and also saul, both of her
parents, her dad and bruno also, and bruno 2 on t/ side, was there too, they've all switched places, a long time ago.10:17 pm edt
she did go out to t/ porch today, b/c she'd gone to t/ dentist, also.6:32 pm edt
and going to church was t/ award for her too in t/ fbi and out, fbi out5:50 pm edt
she won Most Religious, in t/ Fbi, her going to Fbi Church was an award, not everyone gets to go.5:49 pm edt
she's up to date on her records, she'd had all of her dental x rays done, and up to date, a full and a partial, as well, and
gone to t/ dentist, in july, aug, sept, oct, nov, dec., june-dec.5:46 pm edt
her Registered Dental Hygienist was Stacey Lepage5:24 pm edt
her dental exam was done by Guneshi de Mel, Dmd5:20 pm edt
she got and read Home magazine, which she'd created, w/ shawn, hoegie, slash, too.4:45 pm edt
she got a pen from t/ Dentistry at Bridlewood, and a green toothbrush, they gave her4:40 pm edt
she had created Bel Biv Devoe, and Boys II Men w/ Eric, from Slovenia, and samuel t/ other one was t/ Belarusian prince.4:31 pm edt
slash had t/ Life Alert around his neck at war, in afghanistan, and t/ bracelet too, which if a problem or accident it alerted
and called t/ station, and she would know about it, shawn and samuel, bruno, her mom, and her, al, and all t/ kids, too, chance,
and such, chase and andy, pat, patrick, sue, violet, patrick, lil shawn, eric, eric 2, conner, connor, kimmie, benjamin, ben,
kimberly, henry also, saul, and all t/ slashes, and her grandpa on her dad's side too.4:27 pm edt
she was Tour of Duty, before that, a long time ago, on-call, but then finished, w/ kyle and shawn on t/ phone, and mark and
her mom on t/ phone, too, and her dad and bill on t/ phone, too, then bruno.4:12 pm edt
her dad took a walk w/ jose, bruno took a walk w/ desi, then her mom took a walk w/ helen, shawn took a walk w/ danny, another
one, and then bruno took another walk w/ miguel, inc., etc.4:10 pm edt
john h was t/ German prince, and sean j was t/ Kuwait prince3:36 pm edt
she had cleaned her glassed midday in t/ afternoon too, evening, and at night3:34 pm edt
she had gone into Green war, dept of defense war, and t/ german mob sent her their messaging, in full, in full gear, inc.,
etc.3:16 pm edt
john h's messages went to hoegie, john h, john h, jr, and william muller's messages go to her, went to her, in t/ fbi, out,
and in fbi out, fbi out, and willia mu's messaging went to program john h t/ bigger one, and from him to her, and separate
from william muller, from john h, t/ son, to her, inc., etc., and her messaging went to hoegie, back to him in t/ fbi, some
messages, that's it, that's all, she got her full-messaging, and she was w/ eric in black hawk down, too.2:50 pm edt
she had water, and some, a pack of crackers afterwards in t/ dentist's office.2:46 pm edt
she got her teeth cleaned, professionally, and she got t/ added flouride varnish, she had no deep pockets, inc., etc., she
used sensodyne, and oral b, and her mom got her teeth cleaned too.2:46 pm edt
her and slash, took another walk w/ sue and violet, too.11:21 pm edt
henry took a walk with dad, too, and all of t/ kids, shawn, and her, her mom, pat, patrick, eric, eric 2, ben, benjamin, kimmie,
kimberly another time, also, lil shawn, chance, hunter, sue, violet, and her grandparents too, her grandma and grandpa and
thensome.11:21 pm edt
her and shawn gave kappa sig, red and green jello, and chios, red and yellow, tapioca pudding, too10:18 pm edt
she had hidden domingo in tx, and she won, got an Mtv movie music popcorn award!!!10:04 pm edt
she had t/ leftovers from pasta faire, they did, and her grandpa on her dad's side had thrown her a pizza party at home w/
her kids and friends, too, and hubby also, at another time, also and thensome, thenso, and a party at Napoli's by him, and
another one at another time, too, by t/ manager there, as well, inc., etc., they had all, and he met t/ manager, they were
very good friends, too, and another one before and at after that at ny pizza by that manager and him at another time, too,
and maritsa was there, and one, and or then at t/ time many at nyc pizza by joe g, and her mom another time, too, and by her
dad at ny pizza again, once again and thenso, thensome, too, he had let her write at Time magazine, also.9:14 pm edt
and she had sparred w/ joe g. at joe's gym, too.8:14 pm edt
she got a purse notebook, in green, turquoise, gold, brown, and yellow, white and black, in large zebra print, and small too8:07 pm edt
her dad took a walk w/ jim, and her mom took a walk w/ gloria, and she had practiced, and done, tae kwan do w/ cornelius,
and karate w/ hosana, and kang, and kung fu w/ kang no, kan, and shawn did that w/ kann, and so w/ matty her, inc., etc.,
and jujitsu, her mom w/ mickie, and her dad karate and jujitsu w/ kang and cornelius, separately, inc., etc.7:33 pm edt
they went to West Marion Hospital to t/ Medical Records' Office.6:57 pm edt
they had lunch out, and she had diet coke and hawaiian punch mixed together, she got all pepsi'ed out, and diet pepsie'd out,
too, she had maxed it out, maxxed it up.6:57 pm edt
Jeannie was her dad's Physical Therapist at The Villages Va, and Shirley was her dad's nurse there too, at The Villages Va6:55 pm edt
Shirley was her dad's nurse in The Villages Va6:53 pm edt
she did tae kwan do in t/ living rm, too.6:07 pm edt
she did mixed martial arts in t/ living room, as well.5:48 pm edt
she practiced and did Kung Fu and Karate in t/ living room5:48 pm edt, they threw out nine bags of garbage to t/ dump, inc., etc., they changed t/ kitchen
cushions, and they got red ones, four of them, w/ ties in t/ back.5:11 pm edt
her dad got t/ blessing at church, from Father Tom, Father Tom Connelly, inc., etc.10:21 am edt am edt
and shawn went for a sprint walk with roberto, and then she did with shawn, also, separately.9:50 am edt am edt
then later, much later on, her mom took a short walk with iris, t/ other one.9:27 am edt
her mom had a walk, then, too, with iris9:25 am edt
bruno took a walk with danny, shawn took then a walk with edwin, her dad took a walk then with danny, and then with the other
edwin, then, also, later, later on, much later on.9:24 am edt
t/ pest control guy, was another Bill, and her dad had taken a walk w/ David, and shawn took a walk with Bill, too, once,
on another day, and many times, also.9:21 am edt
she took a walk with Roberta, and mom had taken another power walk with Roberta's mom, Roberta, too.9:17 am edt am edt am edt
she went with Hellen to Heath's wake and funeral too, with her, and bruno took a walk with joey, inc., etc., shawn had taken
a walk with ben, too.7:54 pm edt
her mom had had a blue Wave radio, a Waveo5:32 pm edt
she went for another walk w/ hoegie, and her mom went on a walk with Tina, and dad went on a walk with Ralph.5:14 pm edt
her mom went on a walk, another walk w/ Ginny5:04 pm edt
her dad went on a walk w/ john hoegler, sr.5:03 pm edt
she got an orange on orange St. Theresa beaded bracelet, and a Living Faith book, and some papers, again, other things, some
old, some new, all they've gotten before5:03 pm edt
they put t/ air freshener in t/ dining rm wall4:33 pm edt
Bruno took a walk with Ben, and then mom took a walk with Iris2:43 pm edt
her dad wrote mash, bruno wrote O, Brother, where art Thou?, and she wrote Platoon, and China Beach, too, harry wrote D-Day,
she created D-Day in t/ Pentagon, then wrote t/ book, w/ harry watching, and on her own, also.8:59 am edt am edt
olga, luis sent her dad a card, she gave dad a five-page card, and bruno had too, and shawn a 3 pg card and slash a 4 pged
card.11:26 pm edt
she had taken slash to Oasis restaurant on his bday, and got t/ suites for him too, w/ them, since of course he's done it
for her as well.11:24 pm edt
samuel proposed at mesa de notte, she took samuel to mesa de note for his bday, and he took her there too on another day,
on t/ day following, too.11:23 pm edt
she went on a night run w/ all of t/ slashes11:19 pm edt
she did her nails in sally hansen, insta care, in Gold Rush, and her grandpa on her mom's side had given her t/ insta care
nail polish by sally hansen too, again, t/ next section when she was little and then a little bit older, scarlet ohara was
7 yrs old, she lived in st. olaf, w/ shawn, and then bruno too, w/ her mom in t/ back.4:51 pm edt
she, they, saw all of t/ videos and audios on her mom's cell phone, inc., etc., and their electrical box got longer and then
wider in and by federal, federal pentagon, and t/ light switch too, light switches too, and jared j showed her how to smurf,
smurf dance, and james got her all of t/ long, large tissue boxes over time, and then at once, also.3:30 pm edt
her dad pushed, and used his walker slider into t/ dining rm2:38 pm edt
their grass and lawn were cut, and t/ handyman put t/ cover over her lighting swtichboard, and he changed and replaced t/
light for t/ stove that had gone out, and under t/ microwave too, at another time, also2:20 pm edt
they watched a movie, a flick, a film, she saw all of t/ movies of and in t/ world, inc., etc., and they put a glad plug-in
in t/ kitchen, by t/ radio and t/ window, and her mom went for a walk w/ cecilia, and her dad went for a walk w/ evaristo.1:35 pm edt
she went to and was in t/ Broadcast Suite, at t/ Hampton Inn & Suites, again, also, and thenso, thensome, inc., etc., etcetera,
etcetera, also and thenso, and shar had given her another, a smaller monopoly, and lindy gave her a smaller Sorry! game, also,
and harv did her hair in pig-tails.7:48 pm edt
her mom had given her Sorry! t/ game, and her dad had given her Monopoly, t/ game also, and thensome.7:42 pm edt
and ralphie, mike, travis, mikey, reggie, abel, will3:05 pm edt
they got t/ red, fruit punch, Powerade.2:28 pm edt
and jose, joe, joey, junior, joseph, too, and angel, angel, again, inc., etc., frankie, david, ira, and again, they did, individually,
or in sets, in sets, no longer, and she had manned t/ mojo grill file, t/ other mojo grille file too, t/ mojo grille file
also, and joe g, bruno, bruno 2, and she got kuwait and iraq tissues and underwear, as well, and again, a second time around,
really iraq ones, in t/ end, her files were separate.2:27 pm edt
and t/ rain gutters, and drainers, for drainage, and sewers were in tact, due to and b/c of t/ rain, also.11:32 am edt
soem of t/ trees in t/ area were cut down, b/c of t/ rain, storms, rainstorms, heavy rainstorms, and such, like that, inc.,
etc., and thenso, thensome, too.11:30 am edt
they left t/ sheets out there in t/ porch because of t/ rain11:28 am edt
then harry too again, john h, sr, john h jr, john h, william m, william mi, roberts s m, william mil., william mill, william
mue.11:28 am edt
and stephan, too, stephen, and stephan's dad, inc., etc.11:16 am edt
over time, and anthony e, anthony b, eric j, john a, joe g, also, arad.11:13 am edt
and ira and ryan too, ira, and matty, kyle, and mark, mark m, too and thensome.11:12 am edt
so they put and left t/ walker and t/ wheelchair for her dad to use in his bedroom, to go to t/ bathrm, to and from, and t/
bed, and while getting ready, and stuff like that, and so on, and giovanni had helped them once or twice and ben m too and
so on, slash, t/ slashes, sylvester, lazarus, hoegie, jared, and jared j, randy j, oscar., shawn, eric11:11 am edt
I ran outside, a couple of miles on the running track.11:01 am edt
they each took a beverage and a snack, some crackers in their bags.10:59 am edt am edt
inc., etc., etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.10:48 am edt
they brought a snack each to t/ hospital in their bags10:48 am edt
her dad was given at t/ hospital azithromycin, erithromycin, erythromic, inc., etc., and racefin.10:42 am edt
she had a snack in t/ lobby, and in t/ hospital room, her dad was in Exam Rm. #2, and she went to t/ bathrm frequently at
t/ hospital.10:40 am edt am edt
they got an orange, ceramic bird and put it on t/ living rm side, long table, and she put her basket, on top of her bureau,
her german basket, inc., etc.10:10 am edt am edt
harvey, linda, and sharon, each had given her a sweater.12:05 am edt
t/ Marion Oaks Medics came to check dad, t/ Marion Oaks Medic Department from t/ Marion Oaks Fire Department, inc., etc.,
and his other RN was Shandra, his doc, Dr. Faunfelter, Dr. Fraunfelter, and his male RN, Pete11:58 pm edt
dad was given a Urinal, a Saline bag, and 2 Antibiotic Bags, his Charge Nurse, RN, was Wendy, and his other RN, Kelsie, Kelsey,
she was before11:55 pm edt
t/ medics came and took dad by ambulance after his Slip and Fall in his bedroom, checked his vital signs, took his blood,
checked his blood pressure, he had Acute Bronchiitis, to er, to west marion hospital, had a cough, they took a chest x ray,
his bloodwork again and his blood pressure, more of it, Kevin was his x ray tech, Rad. Tech., Radiology Tech.11:53 pm edt
I jogged outside, on the running path, and rode my BMX bicycle, and Ten-Speed bike, out there, as well.2:43 pm edt
she, they, put t/ kids in Summer School, pat, patrick, sue, violet, eric, eric 2, ben, benjamin, hunter, chance, lil shawn,
conner, connor, also, and kimmie, too, inc., etc.2:42 pm edt
she was in target, and avmed, zelnorm ibs commercials, for loreal and maybelline, clairol, nice and easy, too and thensome,
also.2:41 pm edt
bruno's voice is a combination, was of his voice and hers by, per her dad, inc., etc., and that of jodeci's w/ his voice,
also.2:29 pm edt am edt
Sedgwick was her G.F., Good Friend, too.10:28 am edt am edt
she had manned all of the Fbi Files, Fbi Black Files w/ william muller and t/ Fbi Blue Files, too, and Fbi White files, also,
inc., etc.9:56 am edt, and william miller t/ taller one, got her her insurance for her legs, while walking
w/ 007, Extra Insurance, Leg Insurance, inc., etc., she did herself, sparingly, throughout t/ yrs, on both of her legs, too,
in t/ fbi, and from and in t/ 007 agency, separately.9:41 am edt am edt am edt
or william mi, or william mu ii, t/ 1 or the third, but those no longer, they went on to something else.9:32 am edt
she'd Manned and helped man Rondo's Grille, and Andria helped man it for her, and then hoegie, it was a file she manned, out
of many, thousands, hundreds, and of thousands, more too over time, over t/ yrs, and then hoegie helped her man the files,
or william m or harry s m9:28 am edt,
and Sedgewick was her good friend, also.11:07 pm edt, Pamela Anderson was her best friend11:06 pm edt
and Joe G had opened up Joe Girardi's Barber Shop and Grille on the side, and she was Co-Owner, under and out, in Brooklyn,
over here and out too, under and out, down there as well, out there.7:32 pm edt
and joe g gave her chantilly, emauraude, white diamonds, black diamonds, and t/ black diamon watch to go w/ it, a Mondavo,
he had one to match, and she gave him a Mondavi watch, and he gave her gold diamonds, green diamonds and purple diamonds as
well.7:29 pm edt
and sebastian too, and joe g took her and sebastian to dixie stampede and all of them too another day, and all t/ kids, inc.
etc.7:23 pm edt
and joe had cut her mom and her dad's hair too, shawn's, eric's, eric 2's, conner's, connor's, hunter's, chance's, kimmie's,
sue's, violet's, inc., etc.7:12 pm edt
eric, and all of her kids, went there too to get their hair cut6:57 pm edt
and joe g had trimmed, and dyed her hair also, and so did his dad, she used to go to his father's barber shop down there,
and she owned one w/ joe g., t/ son, Joe's Barber Shop.6:53 pm edt
they had more pasta, and hoegie's mom used to trim her hair, and rosie m used to dye her hair.6:45 pm edt
she, w/ them, they, her and Giovannie, Giovanni, again, spent 4, 5 days in Vienna, and 4 days in Sicily, together, too, her
grandpa on t/ side, also.4:13 pm edt
Giovanni and she spent two days in Italy.4:12 pm edt
Giovanni gave her White Diamonds, and Gottie did too, at another time, on the same day, that same day, and over the next.4:12 pm edt
ralphie gave her more Malibu, and Ginger had given her more Calgon4:08 pm edt
and Mr. Benedetto had given her t/ book, Random Acts of Kindness as a Graduation Present from h.s., and Michael Strahan was
one of her dad's hitters in t/ fbi.2:05 pm edt
she had taken her to t/ French Riviera, inc., etc., and she had given Peggy Schepler some Soap, in a kit for her bday, also.2:04 pm edt
Matsui shot for her in t/ Fbi, and also in Federal, too.1:51 pm edt
Hellen gave her Yves St. Laurent, and Lorraine gave her Liz Claiborne, and she had a Skater boy shirt/sweater, as well.10:49 am edt
she went w/ Mark Wills to t/ CMA Awards, and she went w/ Chandra to t/ All my Children awards.10:29 am edt
her dad invented t/ Stair Climber, and her t/ Walking Stair Climber, also, and Incline, on Incline, also, as if outside going
up and down hills and mountains.10:10 am edt
Me, myself, and my parents interchangeably used the Heart Exercise machine in the porch, and the Stair Climber in the porch,
too, as well, as in the dining room.10:09 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt's%20Club&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=vanessa's%20club&sc=8-14&sk=&cvid=F0A0E926E8294A849E302B5611230B969:38 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
Saturday, June 8, 2019
her and Matty moved to Germany, and lived in a brothel, jk, just kidding, ha ha , lol, and Nandy gave her a sweatshirt, too11:54 pm edt
AJ gave her a sportscar to run around the track, and they were at Desert Storm, also.11:54 am edt
Richie worked on a shirt for her, and another one, as well, and Ramone gave her a T-shirt.11:41 am edt
Edward gave shawn a bunch of shirts, and ira gave her a bunch of pants.11:32 am edt
Eva gave her a sweater, her dad, and her grandpa on her dad's side each gave her a shirt, and Angel did one of her shirt's
like an Eagle, also.11:30 am edt
and her grandpa on her dad's side gave her a dress, over 20 dresses, 25, at least, in his day, not in her dad, over the yrs,
over the years, too.11:25 am edt am edt
We went to a live concert with a band, and a dance party, at another location, inside, with the air on.10:58 pm edt
they went to t/ Circle Square Cultural Center, and went to t/ Dance Party, and they saw a Live Band, The Buzz Catz, in Row
9, Seat 1, and they got and had three seats, at a Round Table, with Others, for 15.00 dollars each10:57 pm edt
they each got their old passports back too and they safely put them away, her mom did, and she did, hers had 4 punch holes,
two and two, on t/ picture side, and back on t/ hard cover also, and she put t/ old one, at her desk, in it4:39 pm edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
and Denise Richards was her girlfriend.9:45 am edt
and ryan had given her Love's Baby Soft, and robert gave her United Colors of Benetton perfume, too, and Charlie gave her
Charlie perfume, the kits too, all of them, separately, they didn't know each other.11:22 pm edt
ryan had given her t/ whole kit and caboodle11:12 pm edt
ryan owned t/ coast guard w/ her also, and her mom and her dad too w/ bruno also, and he got her, gave her jean nate, t/ full
kit, also, and ira, t/ other one, gave her Chantilly, Chantilly Lace, t/ full kit as well11:07 pm edt
she got oils, by Better Homes and Gardens, in lavender and birch8:07 pm edt
she got a yellow, white and green all-leafed tissue box8:02 pm edt
and in in some, all, of t/ tissue boxes, she got t/ same patterns in both sizes, both small and large, and she've gotten all
of t/ small tissue boxes from walmart also8:01 pm edt
she got t/ coloricon, Sagittarius wet, lip gloss, in burgunday shimmer, in shimmery8:00 pm edt
they went to Domino's, and they got a large pizza, w/ mushrooms on it, as a topping.7:32 pm edt
she was already a Silver Nun when she was already down there, too, Juan gave her Tresor, David gave her Jadore, perfumes,
and slash hitman was The Sun, and then lil shawn was Sun, her Fbi-Son6:17 pm edt
they had another neighbor, Mary, who used to be an Fbi Agent, also, like them, and she was a Retired Fbi Agent, and they saw
her out, and she's visitted them before, also, here, locally, the other Mary.6:14 pm edt
she gave cards to all of her co-workers, and boss, again, the others, as well.9:20 am edt am edt
she got chocolate pudding, and t/ sugar-free one, as well.9:07 am edt
she got t/ Frozen Bean, Spiced Mocha, Arabica coffee, no trans fat, no hydrogenated oils, also, inc., etc., and they had had
t/ spiced mocha for halloween, and her, slash and shawn, together, w/ bruno for her mom on halloween, on hallowed eve, hallow's
eve.9:04 am edt
they got a white, and clear, Cookie Canister, a medium one, too8:57 am edt
they got and had Carrot Cake, a carrot cake Bar, Columbo cake, Columbo carrot cake.8:54 am edt am edt
they put new batteries in t/ amopoe, exchanged them out, threw t/ old batteries out, and her mom wiped it w/ an alcohol swab,
and her and her mom had worked for Charles Shwab too, ryan was it, too, t/ head of it, in charge11:31 pm edt
her mom amopoe'd her feet, on one spot too, and they shared it also, occassionally.11:25 pm edt
dan and shay had waxed her upper lip, too, for her, for shawn and ryan too, to give them a break, inc., etc., and toby k had
shot for her dad also, all of them, too, especially, saul, for him, both of them, and her11:24 pm edt
slash hitman had had his, Texas Chainsaw Massacre Theme Party, they all threw for him, and he for himself, and they all went,
and she'd thrown him one too11:17 pm edt
she was on 60 Minutes, Behind the News, and ABC 111:12 pm edt
her and shawn had had a Euro party together w/ her mom, a European Party, and toby keith had shot for her and saul, shawn
too when they were kids, also, per and by harry also, for her for saul, and vice versa, for saul for her, and shawn, and for
shawn for her mom as well11:00 pm edt
she was on t/ cmt awards, at 'em too, mark wills had done her hair, eyebrows, makeup, and waxed her upper lip and toes, legs
too, by ban and shay too, inc., etc., and dan too, and, he, himself, and dierks bentley had too same and at another time,
and keith urban, and to shawn and bruno also9:11 pm edt
she was on Four Corners, w/ ryan, and thenso, thensome, inc., etc.4:35 pm edt
they went to take charge, west marion, and she watched t/ Pirates of the Caribbean, she had done johnny depp's makeup, inc.,
etc., and she and shawn they had done t/ cirque de soleil makeup on each other, and for other people, others, inc., etc.3:45 pm edt
I did ballet, tap, and dance, in the living room, as well.10:25 am edt
she was in target, imitrex, pharma, pharmaceutical commercials, also10:24 am edt
she did, and sang a Charmin jingle, too.10:24 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
she was a Civil War veteran w/ William Miller, t/ taller one, and the, only female Confederate veteran w/ william miller,
t/ shorter one, and t/ last, Spanish Civil war veteran was Slash hitman11:40 pm edt
she, her mom, and her dad, slash, shawn, bruno, al, and her grandpa on her dad's side, they were all FBI War veterans, and
he was a Kansas War veteran, they all were too11:34 pm edt
she was a, the Yankee War veteran, too, and a New York veteran, also, in t/ fbi and out, and in t/ Pentagon and out, and a
CIA veteran, a CIA War veteran11:33 pm edt
her, her mom, and her dad, were Tara veterans, Tara Veterans, and Tara Civil War veterans, they were t/ only three on that
one, t/ last one, that way t/ gov't knows not to look for others on that one, and she was a Confederate Veteran of Tara, and
of Belleview, inc., etc.11:29 pm edt
her dad had fought in t/ New York Civil War, inc., etc.11:22 pm edt
her and ryan were each and American Civil War veterans, b/c they fought in it, t/ American Civil War in of itself, too, inc.,
and she and her dad fought in t/ Puerto Rican war and in t/ Boricua war, so they were still at one time, Puerto Rican as well,
separately, and known as Boricuas11:20 pm edt
Lucy Ortenzio called her mom, and sent her a text, too.5:19 pm edt
her mom had gone to school w/ Lucy Ortenzio.5:19 pm edt
I did Tai Chi in the living room, practiced in my bedroom, and used the treadmill, to run and jog, along with walking in the
living room, as well, spaciously.4:28 pm edt
Ramonita, Ramone's wife, had cut, done, her hair, and theirs, both of her parents', her mom's, and dad's, bruno's, shawn's,
bruno 2's, and so on, pat's, patrick's, eric's, eric 2's, benjamin's, kimmie's, slash's too, all of t/ slashes also, hunter,
chance, conner, connor, and ramone had done theirs also, and their eyebrows, and upper lips, waxing, waxes, and bikini waxes,
also, sue's, lil gloria's, violet's, gloria's, as well, again, at another time.4:09 pm edt
janice cleaned t/ whole house, and cleaned t/ blinds w/ t/ swiffer dust pads, and she brought and used her own Soft Scrub,
too.12:33 pm edt
she had had an American Civil War bathrm mirror, also, changed over time.10:23 am edt
and tiger had thrown her a party at t/ Arnold Palmer house10:21 am edt am edt am edt
and Tiger had gotten her, and rented t/ Arnold Palmer House for her twice and w/ shawn five times, along w/ bruno 3 times,
also, and they had one or two parties there and a gathering, also.10:06 am edt
she got and read t/ Business in Greater Gainesville magazine10:05 am edt
she had put through, Benjamin, Eric, Eric 2, Sue, Violet, Hunter, Chance, Lil' Shawn, Conner/Connor, Pat/Patrick, all in Vacation
Bible School, at the same time, or at separate times, during the Summers, too, she had enrolled them and everything -- and
they had all of their supplies with them, also, and snacks to go with them.9:42 am edt
she picked up her desk, before t/ housekeeper got here, so she could clean more, inc., etc.9:39 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
and her dad had thrown a party for her mom w/ Shirley, Jen G.'s great aunt.8:00 am edt am edt am edt
ira had given her a Hot Kiss button, on t/ phone, on t/ lips, on t/ chest, shawn, and janice had thrown bruno a spanish party,
and she'd thrown bruno an english party w/ her, also, in t/ min, Under min, too, and thensome, her, herself, shawn, and both
of her parents, and all of their kids, also, down there and up here too, w/ all of their loving family and friends.9:43 pm edt
i was shania twain, renee zellwegger, renee zelwegger, too, la india, pink, again, tinasche, tove lo, again, kelsea callebrini,
lucille ball for shawn too, in coldplay, shinedown, and thenso, thensome.9:41 pm edt
Vanesa Baez, her name was translated to t/ Latvian language, they watched 90210, also, especiall her and shawn w/ bruno also,
and slash, others, and jared l, jared j both had their bibles8:58 pm edt
her and engus were latvia or al w/ her too, whichever, but engus, al was w/ her grandpa on her dad's side, and bruno, her
brunette, still, inc., etc., also and thenso, she was in a target commercial, and alot, whole lotta print ad commercials,
latuda too, also, and thensome.8:56 pm edt
they washed t/ dishes w/ warm or hot water7:19 pm edt
she got her eyebrows done, waxed, and her upper lip, and nails done in afghanistan, kuwait, iraq, and in iran, the middle
east too, and toenails, and got their garb in each, outfit, war clothes, clothing, costume, costuming, and in p.r., and slash
got his done in afghanistan, and shawn too in all of those places too and the kids, and her parents as well, inc., etc., bruno
also, al, t/ slashes, and her grandpa on both side, her whole family, and all of their friends, her friends, inc., etc.6:15 pm edt
she was afghanistan w/ slash, b/c they went to war there, too, inc., etc., and was iraq w/ jeremy, b/c they went to war there
also, and she and sean j were kuwait, kuwaiti b/c they went to war there as well.6:10 pm edt
joe girardi gave her cotton candy at t/ park, and another of t/ cotton candy body spray, too, from bb, and a bebe top also,
and bebe got her a top, and a full outfit, earrings, a hairband, slippers, shoes and heels, headband, nacklace and ring joe
g gave her too, as a gift and present5:33 pm edt
in 0, john hoegler was her friend, in t/ 00 agency, in 00, ira was her friend, too, inc., etc., and t/ other slash was her
friend in afghanistan, and riley was her other friend in puerto rico, and sean j was another friend she had in Kuwait, at
kuwait war, and she was in Kuwait war w/ him, also, and thenso, thensome, and he was her friend in t/ iia also, and t/ another,
other jeremy was her friend in iraq and he was also, then, iraqi like her, because they had gone to war there, then, and now,
also, as well.5:22 pm edt
she had gotten her hair cut in afghanistan, kuwait and iraq4:37 pm edt
she got an Orange County headband, and Jeremy had sat next to her at church and Tommy, inc., etc., and she had another friend,
a friend in Iraq, named Jeremy too.4:36 pm edt
her mom went to get her echo, 2 D Echo, Echo-cardiogram done, she'd invented t/ Echo, Echo-Cardiogram.11:04 am edt'Hanlon%20war&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=vanessa%20o'hanlon%20war&sc=0-20&sk=&cvid=86F2A09D0A494037857B72EEF5D4FB5310:29 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
hoegie took her to stuttgart, and she took him to germany w/ her and t/ kids too, he watched them there also, inc. etc., and
his father took her to berlin w/ his wife, and to stuttgarte w/ his mom, his mother, again, again and once again, over that
twice, too.7:46 pm edt
I worked out and did pilates in the living room, dining room, too.7:31 pm edt
they had a chicken sandwich w/ panko each7:30 pm edt
she had taken her dad to sabana grande w/ her, as well7:28 pm edt
she had taken shawn to aguadilla, p.r., for his birthday too, and taken their mom w/ them, w/ her, several times, and w/ him
too, her w/ him also, inc., etc., too and thensome, w/ patrick and lil shawn, shawn again and kimmie, and shawn again again
and again too and thensome7:12 pm edt
her mom, and t/ gestapo, her dad, bruno, and her were on liberty mutual insurance, had it, liberty mutual, and her, too, and
her and her grandpa on her dad's side had and used to have, were on Medicaid, and her and her dad too, of ny and fl, inc.,
etc., medicaid of ny, and medicaid of fl.6:04 pm edt
and she had had old south and civil war paper and pens too, and she had penned liberty mutual w/ harry, and was and did have
humana w/ her dad and her grandpa when she was a kid and derek j, and her mom and shawn had liberty mutual and humana, and
then her and her dad had liberty mutual a second yr and w/ shawn also5:48 pm edt
harry was in t/ civil war, and was t/ head of t/ civil war, and led t/ way on t/ first day, all t/ way and had turned back
at an endpoint too, and she had gone w/ him, he took her along.5:47 pm edt
she had mixed, put t/ fruit in t/ v8 for t/ splash, and she drank v8 when she was on a diet5:38 pm edt
she had had a Domino's birthday party w/ patrick and shawn, too, by shawn, at that, also, there, right there.5:14 pm edt
her, shawn, and lil shawn were members of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and they her and shawn had taken Patrick on a St. Patrick's
Cruise, on t/ St. Patrick's cruise ship, inc., etc., and her, tinashe, tove lo, kelsea ballerini did shawn's hair, cut it
also, and pink did, and manicured shawn's toes, toenails, and then his fingernails, and hers, and all of her children.5:10 pm edt
and he'd cut ira's hair too, and edward scissorhands, like too and johnny d, and her and mark w owned johnny rockets, and
her and shawn, owned Johnny D's, w/ johnny depp, and shawn had used depp, and dippity-do too, and pomade w/ her, and david
and ira.3:10 pm edt
and she had gone with and went to all of t/ Maluma concerts, en route, on t/ phone, and out, of t/ farm, also, and at home,
out too.3:08 pm edt
her grandpa on her dad's side had created t/ Detectives' Association w/ her, inc., etc., t/ DA w/ al, her, al had shot for
her, and her grandpa on her dad's side, who was like her uncle too, go in as her uncle, too, and macklemore had given all
of them haircuts, her just a trim, too, she don't like her hair too short, b/c she don't want people to call her butch, gay,
or faggot, fag, or fag-like, or transexual, transsexual, or transgender, or metrosex, now metrosexual was shawn, just hip,
in t/ hip to be coifed man crowd, for himself, for her, for them, too, inc., etc., mack., for macklemore, had done and cut
shawn's hair, hers, pat's, patrick's, kimmie's, eric's, eric 2's, eric j's, lil shawn's, henry's, both of her parents; too,
and her mom had made him a haircutter and at hair cuttery, too, for her and shawn, along w/ t/ kids.3:07 pm edt
one Sicilian mafia member, and another Italian mob member sat next to her at church, to her right.2:57 pm edt
We went to the Cracker Barrel, after church, for lunch.2:56 pm edt
and blue silver stuff too, for t/ blue silver war, also, and t/ silver yellow war, yellow silver war, civil yankee, and then
civil confederate.8:45 pm edt
and she had a tara pen and paper, and t/ same too, for confederate, and civil war also8:44 pm edt
they watched t/ boston red sox, and t/ ny yankees8:29 pm edt
t/ handyman knocked down a wasp in front of t/ house, too, and cleaned up, all along t/ left side of t/ house, along t/ fence
and t/ other side too, front both and back also3:19 pm edt