Vanessa Baez Ave: A Ring above New Vanessa
Baez's Prominent Presentations ... Top Model, Actress, Ambassador, Spokes-Model, Host, Fitness Model, Bikini Model, Hair Model,
Skincare Model, Face Model, Eyebrows Model, Eyes Model, Eyelashes Model, Nose Model, Cheekbones Model, Smile Model, Lips Model,
Teeth Model, Chin Model, Make-Up Model, Ears Model, Earlobes Model, Neck Model, Neckline Model, Back Model, Shoulders Model,
Lats Model, Traps Model, Pecks Model, Arms Model, Biceps Model, Triceps Model, Chest Model, Abs
Model, Waist Model, Wrists Model, Hands Model, Fingers Model, Nails Model, Hips Model, Gluts Model, Legs Model, Thighs Model,
Quads Model, Hamstrings Model, Knees Model, Calves Model, Ankles Model, Feet Model, Toes Model.Vanessa Baez achieved respect stating to the Supreme Court of
the US, I'm pressing charges against frauds forever.Vanessa Baez is White light.Only this Vanessa's
real, number 1. Vanessa Baez is White European American, straight, Roman Catholic, was in a
relationship, Republican, from Manhattan of New York City.Only this woman.Vanessa Baez embraces her British French American name, while
beautiful, unquestionable, faithful, and inimitable. Palmer's English.She's the strong palm tree.She went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and brought back palm branches as proof she'd made the journey.In early history, Palmer represented a missionary.Palmer's early origin is Anglo-Norman, following
the Norman Conquest of 1066.Palmer was found in Yorkshire with a seat from early times, and first records appearing
on the census rolls by the kings of Britain determining the rate of taxation on their subjects.Palmer was of the first to cross the Atlantic to North America.Palmer, according
to genealogy, her origin is German.Her ancestry is Dutch.Her motto was a war cry.The palm is for virtue.Blas is from Brittany France.William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy became
the King of England in 1066.He claimed Brittany and Normandy as possession of the English crown.Blas settled in the US in the eighteenth century.Blas is proud and love.Only this individual.Vanessa Baez was acknowledged for being the youngest, undefeated,
00 sized, blond, five-foot tall, brown-eyed, petite, bombshell, slender, solid with no body fat, 90 pounds with her body mass
index at 14, unpredictable. Only this girl. Who's getting pulled out of a lineup?Not her!
Only this lady. Vanessa Baez has her 34-inch chest, full D Cup, 21-inch waist, 32-inch hips, body in proportion,
perfect hip alignment. Vanessa Baez has had 0 injuries, 0 surgeries, 0 restrictions, 0 limitations.Vanessa Baez is the International Champion, irreplaceable.
Vanessa Baez is the Figure Champion, Body Condition Champion, Fitness Champion, Champion Dresser, Presence Champion,
Personality Champion, and Audience Popularity Champion. Only this mature woman.Vanessa Baez is God's British butterfly, Camberwell Beauty, invincible.
Vanessa"Butterfly"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: For the Lord thy God
is with thee whithersoever thou goest. -- Joshua 1:9. Vanessa Baez said I won’t ever drop charges.Only this Vanessa’s the 10, the perfect package.SignedSpecial Agent Baez They had pets: a German Shepherd dog, named
Polo, a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, Bailey, Joe the cat, and Misu, a kitten. LordePinkSlashLuluCherJanice JoplinGilberto
Santa RosaBruno MarsElvis
FBI Chief of DallasMiss. Marion OaksCIA
KansasMiss. OcalaMiss. TampaFBI
Marion CountyMiss.
Marion CountyFBI Marion OaksMiss. Sabana GrandeCIA
IsraelMiss. AguadillaRacial Profile Director of the NYPDFBI SummerfieldFBI
Captain of SummerfieldFBI Chief
of SummerfieldPentagon Director Pentagon
was America Ferrera, America Ferrerra.10:43 pm edt
was America Ferrera's best-friend, America Ferrerra., inc.10:41 pm edt
Buscemi was her God-father, t/ real godfather, was, per t/ fbi, per her parents, their son -- it's him, inc.10:30 pm edt
Wade Boggs, was, and is, their son's god-son, he was god-son to their son, Eric 2.10:28 pm edt
elvis was fbi, and his son, and henry wrote t/ Pink panther, and john hoegler wrote sherlock holmes, she wrote t/ Picture
of Dorian Gray., inc.10:24 pm edt
chayanne was shawn's spanish hitman in t/ fbi and out, who worked mafia, inc., he's their son's god-son, her dad's their god-son,
hers and shawn's, inc., chayanne was her god-son, inc., hoegie lifted him up., inc.10:02 pm edt
her dad was Jim Crowe Justice, w/ william miller, and t/ 1964 civil rights act, w/ her, all of them, and then william miller,
etc., she was 00-31, 0031, 00-31, 0031-Islamabad, as well, then but before became 0013-Aruba., inc.8:45 pm edt
was 0032 w/ Chris johnson, and he was her backwards in t/ 00 world, 00-World, he was 00-World, shawn kriskey, shawn was 00-42,
0042, 00-42, he was 0024, backwards, inc., he was Keith Bacon, inc.8:07 pm edt
was 008, they were t/ root of 8, inc., after her dad, clean under it, too, as well, he used to shoot 8, even 10, then her,
she, 8., inc., and then her mom 7, b/c it was right next too.7:53 pm edt
0032 was william miller, t/ son, holding a spot for Chris Johnson, so did she, inc., chris johnson, he wrote books, was a
00 too, inc., clean under it7:50 pm edt
her mom, and then william miller, t/ father taught her stenotype, and 7:48 pm edt
was 003, after her mom, at the same time, was the root of three w/ her, and thereafter.7:43 pm edt
0038 was also william miller's son, there, thereafter, after the fact, after his father's death.7:42 pm edt
they all had mattresses, w/ springs, spoilers, top spoilers, and top springs.7:26 pm edt
william miller was 0048, and he had assigned her Islamabad, and she was 00-Islamabad, 0013-Islamabad, and others, inc.7:21 pm edt
they had fish, it was the sign of the Fish day, during Lent, they went out again, inc.7:19 pm edt
worked Aryan Brotherhood w/ Ryan Johnson is and of the Pentagon., inc., they wrote a book together, inc.6:59 pm edt
had an islamabad tree outside her window, t/ fence, they saw a cardinal, a grey, beige bellied, orange bird, they, she bought
cia sight-seeing birds for around t/ home, and hoegie, and shawn, all of them did, too, inc.6:55 pm edt
Ryan Johnson is her Aryan Pentagon Hitter.6:41 pm edt
and shawn's too, and her mom's, and pat's, patrick's, t/ kids, and so on and so forth.6:36 pm edt
Elvis Crespo was shawn's pentagon hitman on t/ spanish side, and hers, there too, and he was also for her on the hispanis
side of the pentagon, and then and before chino was her dad's pentagon hitman on both the hispanic side and the spanish side.6:35 pm edt, they all had Serta mattresses, her parents had a queen, her a full, she wore
a black, joe, pentagon exam headband, w/ rubber and cushion, cushion, cushioning, inc.6:16 pm edt
stephan created t/ view it in browser button.11:11 pm edt, eric invented t/ view it in browser button -- pat, patrick,
before, ben, benjamin, eric, eric 2.11:10 pm edt
got t/ green Mitchum deoderant, t/ green and white Biolage shampoo, t/ big one, t/ large one, inc., and the Purple Sands scent,
scented candle, a polish tissue box, and pink and blue stickies, inc.8:50 pm edt
and used t/ cotton candy body wash., inc.7:47 pm edt
used t/ Cedarwood oil, a white and light green hand loofah, a Palm Perfect shaver, in black, pink, brown, lavender and purple,
they used all sorts of colors, and patterns and designs, bought all gestapo types of stuffs, al, capone stuffs, stuffing,
inc., and sicilian and italian stuff, puerto rican, german, french, and britain, inc.7:46 pm edt
got and used Indigo blue Memory Foam, Dear Foam slippers, in magenta, green, lilac, lavender, purple, pink, fuschia, light
green, green, white, black, blue, inc.4:54 pm edt
was t/ Yankee-Civil War w/ william muller, wore blue and silver peace sign earrings, and she wore red, pink, silver, cupcake
earrings, inc.11:54 am edt
was Charleton Heston, Charleston Heston, inc., Wendy Williams, the Wendy Williams Show, inc.10:26 am edt am edt
did t/ FBI Interview of Jeffrey Dahmer, did the Sheriff's interview of Eileen Wournos, and the FBI Interview of Aileen Wournos,
inc., and her dad, it was her dad, inc.9:54 pm edt
william miller bought her a steam roller for nigeria, t/ his and hers., inc., and one for himself, inc.9:14 pm edt,
her grandpa on her dad's side was pm edt
worked white mob for over 20 yrs., was Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Anniston, was the Anniston jail, t/ Aniston jail, slash,
slash was Cobra III, iii, so was his dad, his father, and his son, Cobra II, cobra ii, inc., was Angelina Jolie, Benjamin
Bratt, and Brad Pitt 2, inc., she cleaned the Brad Pitt jail, Jail, inc.7:49 pm edt
was Calista Flockhart, Marla Weech, and Jacqueline London, Jaqueline London, inc.7:15 pm edt
was in t/ Catholic Digest, and in Marian Helpers, they all were, t/ Shop Mercy, was in t/ Marian Helpers catalog, inc., and
in t/ Catholic Digest catalog., inc.6:47 pm edt
got and used a gestapo desk calendar, inc.4:39 pm edt, Tommy had white, black, green, yellow, blue cop intestines, yellow, white, grey,
inc.4:27 pm edt
was Vanessa Boz, Vanessa Box, Nancy Carrigan, The Carrigan Agency w/ shawn, The Christensen Group w/ shawn and his parents,
The Christenson Group, inc.1:09 pm edt, was Vanessa Jose, Vanessa Zoraida, Vanessa Patrick, Vanessa Zoey, Vanessa Zooey,
Vanessa Huey, Christina Ricci, Cristina Ricci, was on the Family Times, Family Time Magazine w/ her son, was, they were Family
Ties, was on the Family Times show, and Magazine, and they were Back to the Future w/ shawn, and Mikey, then Mikey, inc.,
shawn was on it., inc., was Pookie, Pookie Vanessa, Pookie Shawn, Pookie Shawn, and Pat., inc., and Patty-Cacks, Cackes, Cakes,
inc., Patty-Cakes, inc.12:41 pm edt
was a Gram, w/ her mom, 100 Grams w/ john brennan, was a gram when she was a baby, by her mom, mommy, inc.11:03 am edt
was Liv Tyler, Hayden Panettiere, Hayden Panettierre, Moss w/ Prada, inc.11:00 am edt am edt
Beta had grey, black, white, and green, more grey, white grey, yellow black, sheriffs lines, intestines, inc., they were the
Adams Family, Addams family, inc., she was Mira Sorvino., inc.8:13 pm edt
joe had gotten her t/ shirt from nigeria, and joseph got her t/ shirt from spain.8:06 pm edt
worked at website, site, on-line, on the Internet, did the Alignment, and put the Events in the Event calendar, they
made pudding, did the Police Blotter in The Ridgewood Times newspaper.7:15 pm edt
was t/ Brady Bunch, t/ Partridge Family, and she was Loni Anderson, inc., Lonnie Anderson.7:09 pm edt
was Sharna Burgess, was Samuel Alito, Jr., he was the strike, Strike, she was t/ Striker, was t/ Tennessee Waltz w/ john brennan,
he too, him too, samuel anthony alito jr, samuel alito jr, samuel, sam, sammie, sammy, samy, inc. and shawn w/ t/ kids and
eric, eric, too, eric, 2, eric 2, inc.9:02 pm edt
they said and was Vanessa on dwts, on dancing with the stars, inc.8:35 pm edt
listened, heard fine at volume set to 13 decibels., inc.7:58 pm edt, owned a 7-11, w/ her grandpa on her dad's side, and sherlock had white, black,
grey, yellow sheriff and green, sheriff intestines, again, and he died, inc., and has insurance, inc.7:55 pm edt
her parents went to a rosary at Ana Maria's house6:20 pm edt
wrote for t/ Princeton Review, wrote it, t/ Princeton Review, inc.6:09 pm edt
a once, and a twice, again, etc., etcetera, etcetera., etceteras., inc.6:07 pm edt
her mom had had an mri, of t/ shoulder, an injection in t/ back, inc., and t/ handyman, had fixed, closed t/ side of the garage
window, t/ sides., inc.6:06 pm edt
they saw Mr. Tollomer at t/ office, Mr. Tolomer, and she was in an AT&T commercial as Rami Maleck, Malick, inc.5:45 pm edt
had pepsi product, pepsi product, slash hitman was her natl guard teacher, drill sergeant, and sargeant, her and her dad,
her mom too, shawn, and t/ kids, inc.7:34 pm edt
her mom used to catch drug factories, her dad factories, and all of them, she used to catch prisons w/ harry, drug mills,
and prison mills., inc., puppy mills, brothels, prostitution houses, prostitution rings and drug rings, inc.7:29 pm edt
had a gestapo rosary, since, and as a little girl, and was t/ only little girl in t/ world that knew t/ alphabet, taught by
her brother, and her parents read her stories, and bruno too., and her other brother too., inc.5:03 pm edt
was, her, all of them, on Bexra, per her dad, al, grandpa on her dad's side, her mom, t/ kids, and shawn, hoegie and t/ kids,
slash, slash hitmen, slash hitman, inc.4:11 pm edt
slash bought her Napier, earrings., inc.4:00 pm edt
they saw john brennan's mother, and she bought t/ alfred hitchcock program for pico, they had t/ chimichanga, her and slash
created, eric, t/ chimichanga, t/ Chimmichanga, inc.3:54 pm edt, wore yellow underwear, a black blouse, inc.3:13 pm edt, her dad was a Columbo priest, and a Columbine priest, and so was jared a columbine
priest, so was she, she saw her grandfather on her mother's side, inc.3:10 pm edt
they saw t/ Gestapo, florence at t/ store, t/ gestapo at t/ pharmacy, inc.2:51 pm edt
pico had grey, he was cia, white, green sheriff, sicilian, black, special agent intestines, inc., and one, two, red hitman,
redman, afghanistan, and brown intestines, and one blue, dark blue, and turquoise, intestinewad, intestwab, intestinewab,
intestinewabe, inc.2:50 pm edt
Scott became a priest, per, and by her parents, her mom and dad, he was her franciscan brother.2:47 pm edt
wore a black, beaded headband, and dutch country underwear, inc.10:21 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Debbie Monday, September 29,
Please help me to move on. My husband decided to leave me and is lying about seeing another person. I feel deep down
inside that he\'s just exploring these feelings he has and it is blinding his love for me and his family. I have anxiety
everyday as I wait and hope for him to come back. I try to focus on praying that he gets the guidance he needs to make the
right decision and pray that I am strong enough to go on without him. But I can\'t help but feel it can\'t be God\'s way
that we aren\'t together - our marriage was a covenant made in church. Would it be possible that it really wasn\'t meant
to be? I\'m so torn. The pain in my chest is so real and so distracting. I need to be strong for myself and for my son.
Please Lord, help me to move on. And I pray for all other spouses going through this difficult situation. I know mine is
not the worst, but it still hurts.
misu, she, and her mom at separate times seperate times, a special agent, put lavender in her hair, and a lavender line down
her back and front w/ ryan, and made her skunk, with eric, inc., and a lavender pole, line, of intestines, inc./\10:31 pm edt
used to take t/ apple cider vinegar, ryan invented w/ harry, inc.9:43 pm edt
her and ryan, she and eric, her, invented myspace, Myspace, in the Pentagon, with Eric, inc.9:36 pm edt
joe t/ cat, had beige, yellow and green wiring, which was t/ cover for t/ intestines, light beige, and rewiring, re-wiring,
inc., yellow-beige, and misu had white, a lot of white, alot of white, green, yellow, and blue, lavender she bought wiring
and ryan, and eric, eric, it's eric, was eric, was white, was Aryan Johnson, worked with Eric, big E, Johnson, johnson, E.,
e., son of John, inc.9:35 pm edt
w/ shawn, pat, patrick, eric, eric 2, ben, benjamin, benjamin's a double-of himself, was., inc., ben, benjamin's a 13, inc.,
he became an fbi shooter, by, per, taught to shoot, how to by harry, himself, and william.8:30 pm edt
her mom dyed her hair, inc., she worked on Dr. Pol, Dr. Pole, they had gone to t/ Westbury Music Fair, t/ Westbury Fair, all
of them, w/ Carmen and Linda, inc.8:28 pm edt
her mom put, had a snack, snacks, a bottle of water in her purse to t/ movie theater, and her dad took a bottle of water in
hand w/ him to church., inc.7:23 pm edt, and joe t/ cat, had white, green, a sheriff cat, brown,
franciscan, and black special agent intestines, and one red afghanistan, tabbies come from afghanistan, and one dark red one,
al-quaeda, al-qaeda, as a bombing device cat., inc., she was a bomb detonator in the fbi black., inc.6:07 pm edt, got a regular popcorn, and a medium soda, inc.6:03 pm edt
they went to t/ movies, henry created t/ movies, t/ theater, t/ movie theater in afghanistan for slash, and one in al-qaeda
for others, t/ head of it, of them, and they went to see Beauty and the Beast, and they went to the Westbury Music Fair.,
inc.6:00 pm edt
wore blue, dutch, dutch country underwear, was dutch country, dutch.1:14 pm edt
wore a white beaded headband, anchor earrings12:51 pm edt
and her, w/ t/ kids, own t/ irish houses., inc.12:43 pm edt
her and slash owned all of t/ elephants of t/ world, and an elephant in thailand, elephants, bc he was t/ little boy from
t/ jungle book, inc., w/ shawn and t/ kids, they each had have an elephant, of each kind, throughout t/ world and noah's ark,
and t/ kids, and t/ world and t/ kids again, and her parents, w/ t/ kids, and shawn owned all of t/ irish houses of the world,
in the world, inc.12:43 pm edt
she hid in t/ white houses in the woods, hid in t/ white, german houses in t/ woods, owned all of t/ white, german houses,
in t/ woods and out, inc.11:13 am edt
t/ gestapo house was shown in presentation, for presentation in summerfield, and al showed her and them, how to make a barn,
inc., in and out of t/ pentagon., inc.10:42 am edt, she had death by euthanasia, euthenasia cases, inc.10:34 am edt am edt
it's an electrocution house, t/ gestapo house, inc.10:23 am edt
Misu had white, grey, b/c she was cia, green sheriff, purple genovese intestines, inc., and G., intestines, as well, her mom
had a gestapo house in summerfield, her dad, her grandpa on her mother's side, her dad, her, inc., in purple, w/ t/ Gestapo
star, inc., he was genoveseing, genovesing, it's just a catch house, was too, inc.10:22 am edt am edt am edt am edt
t/ yellow was for t/ young, younger, sheriffs, and then green, for t/ older, mature intestines, sheriffs for bailey and then
polo, inc.8:58 am edt am edt
bailey caught puppy mills and mutts of german and irish, dogs and people, inc.8:38 am edt
bailey was and is a sheriff dog, a sheriff's dog, sherrif dog., inc.8:37 am edt
and bailey had german mafia, and irish mafia intestines, inc.8:35 am edt
and her mom, and her dad, and bruno, bailey, had white, yellow, lil sherriff, then big ones, green, german mafia, and a swiss
line for digestion, w/ an irish line of intestines, and they were all green intestines, now, and made a german bomber, and
a polo bomber, and a vanessa bomber, and then some, and for her parents, inc., and shawn, and then kids, inc.8:33 am edt
william muller created her jaills, all of them, all of it, w/ harry, and eric, shawn, then henry, he was first, inc.8:31 am edt
polo had white, intestines, white mob intestines, she caught, worked white mob for over 20 yrs., then polo had white and yellow
intestines, a sheriff dog, a sheriff's dog, yellow was a bomb-sniffer, they were changed to green intestines, he's a german
bomber, and has, had, has, german mob, german-mob intestines now, inc., hoegie and his real dad did t/ surgery, and his dad,
his live-in dad, who paid for everything for him, inc.11:18 pm edt
they used to buy bailey t/ three-pack of tennis balls, in packs, and polo played w/ a rubber red ball, an afghanistan ball,
and a blue ball, a hand-ball., inc.10:44 pm edt
had a peanut butter sandwich, sandwhich, and bailey played w/ his tennis balls, inc.10:43 pm edt, was body glove, w/ eric, shawn, johnny depp, t/ kids, henry, slash, slash hitman,
and., inc., harry, her mom and dad, slash 2., eric 2, t/ other eric.9:00 pm edt
had diet coke, cherry, and orange., inc.8:51 pm edt
inherited t/ El Canario brothel, was heir to it, and to t/ elvis j. brothel, t/ desire brothel, t/ denise, brothels, t/ richard
simmons' brothel, brothels, inc, t/ canary brothel, brothels, t/ canary brothels., inc.7:45 pm edt
got and used, t/ light, medium, dark water gucci bamboo, she got t/ silver, and pink, hot pink, w/ lips bag, her dad got t/
Mont Blanc set, and they got t/ boxes, sets, inc.7:43 pm edt, used the Chi, t/ new charcoal mask, argile, pure clay, the Iron Guard, inc.,
shawn was Lenny & Vinny's, and her, and them, w/ t/ kids, inc., and the whole family.2:17 pm edt
her dad used Colgate, Perio Gard, they all used it, she was in a mountain, one, in t/ pentagon, in french in t/ cia, french
in t/ cia, caught blank checks in t/ pentagon, and out10:29 am edt
got and had t/ restaurant style tostitos salsa9:40 am edt
Carlos was their Sales Consultant at nissan9:36 am edt
they got a thank you card from carlos and awilda; john brennan's son became a priest, and she and hoegie worked on, did the
carpenters documentary, which aired, w/ t/ carpenters, and her dad invented wucf, inc.8:51 pm edt
got and used a Totes, black and white w/ dots umbrella, small, purse-size, medium-sized, satchel size7:58 pm edt
got and used t/ Palm Perfect, Pixie, bikini shaver, and trimmer, hoegie invented t/ pixie, and t/ palmperfect.7:40 pm edt
got and used t/ Clio, in pink and lilac, w/ hot pink cover, and black brush, w/ black and blue, silver battery, included,
brushed her hairs, on her arms., inc.7:35 pm edt, Corey Haines was Corey Baez, phyllis was Wonder Bread w/ her and shawn, t/ baby
and t/ kids, as wife and mother, inc., john brennan was hanes w/ her, inc.12:11 pm edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt, did promotions for Best Buy, and Staples, and at the Staples Center,
w/ shawn, t/ baby, and t/ kids, and all of them, inc.9:13 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt
read Secrets of Eden, by Chris Bohjalian.8:50 am edt
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
her grandpa on her mom's side invented conair w/ her grandma on her dad's side, and mom's side and t/ other way around, clean
under it, he was bell, alexander graham bell.11:32 pm edt
had a Conair phone, and her grandpa on her dad's side got it for her, and t/ other one as well on her mother's side., inc.11:30 pm edt
t/ gestapo was dea w/ joaquin, and was also da, t/ dad of t/ da, and of t/ dea, and was also a monarch, and t/ head of t/
monarch operation in t/ dea as well, in both., inc., her mom was dea and da., inc.11:29 pm edt, was a Monarch, of the monarch butterfly, was DA, per t/
gestapo, he invented t/ monarch operation of the da catching serial killers, and she was a Scorpion per t/ dea per joaquin
phoenix, his dad, and himself, inc.11:26 pm edt
slash wrote t/ prom promise and t/ prom promise poem., inc.11:24 pm edt
cleaned her nose t/ gestapo way, and all of her kids, their kids, inc., including her mom, dad, he was still a head of dadd,
so was slash t/ other head of dadd and he of madd, inc., and so was her mom t/ one, t/ other head of dad, so was her, and
t/ other of both, a head of each, of madd and dadd, and shawn head a head of dadd, and slash of dadd and madd.11:00 pm edt
al c. created Mary Kay, and crates, big Crates, she took Smooth Move in peppermint tea, inc., slash invented it.10:56 pm edt, did t/ al capone eye-training program, and his baker act program,
he invented one as well, it, he invented t/ baker act training program w/ her dad, and he invented t/ baker act program, inc.10:19 pm edt, her grandpa on her dad's side, al, and all of them were on the Flower
Operation, worked it., inc.8:54 pm edt, her dad just translated it, and so did shawn, her mom, and t/ kids, her,
bruno, slash, slash hitman, slash hitmen, inc.8:43 pm edt
she protected shawn kriskey, shawn patrick kriskey.8:41 pm edt
edward invented t/ Polytechnical Institute in and out of the pentagon, she paid for his robotics, and he paid for hers, and
shawn's, and alex's, his whole family, phyllis', and dottie's, kimmie's, kimberly's, deborah's, she was part of the german
operation in the cia, which was t/ wolf operation now separate and then together, separate again, was operation deborah in
and out of the pentagon, inc.8:39 pm edt
was a part of the Wolf Operation, the German Operation in the CIA.8:36 pm edt, they had a kenyan tree, and a nigerian tree, in the backyard, and an american
tree as well, and an apple tree out back, inc.8:33 pm edt
her dad had invented t/ Puerto Rico game, and so did her mom w/ her dad, and her, clean under, t/ gestapo said to clean under,
he would say, inc., she paid for shawn's robotics, hers, w/ dad, w/o him, her dad, and he paid for hers, all of theirs, and
her mom's, shawn's, w/ t/ kids, and ryan's, she did, she paid for his, and him, for himself, and hers, too, and her boyfriend's,
and her husband's, and her sons, w/ and w/ her kids., inc.8:31 pm edt, clean under their black ops, army ops, marine ops, marine corps ops, navy ops, air
force ops, air guard ops, war ops, hi ops, military ops, natl guard ops., guard ops3:19 pm edt, clean under their cobra ops, ops, spy ops, special ops3:18 pm edt, bailey was on t/ Parade magazine,
she saw the Fine Arts of Ocala exhibit at t/ library.2:18 pm edt
worked for Horton, was on Yankee -- Civil War Assignment in t/ fbi, and out, inc., she and william muller had worked on a
civil war book together.11:12 pm edt
gave her mom her shower cap, a shower cap, a pink one.5:34 pm edt
read Birds & Blooms, w/ her boyfriend, her boyfriend created it, inc., her boyfriend and her own Atlantis, shawn and edward
owned atlantis, w/ her, and phyllis, and edward gave her everything., inc., they're gone.5:23 pm edt, they used Eye-Ops, Ops, was I-Ops, I-ops, I-spy,
I-Spy, hoegie worked and built her website in kenya, and here, and in nigeria, and in ny, bklyn, and in queens, and in p.r.,
and in spain, and in germany, in france, and in great britain., and in england., inc.4:50 pm edt
read Golf Digest, they had chocolate mint mints, candies, inc.3:50 pm edt, was MI:6, w/ an M-16, her partner has the gun,
had the gun., inc., worked for Ho., Hofstra University, and Jim Miller, the Washington Secretary.1:50 pm edt
her dad got his laser treatment, his eyes checked, his grafta, egrafta done, eyes dialated, dilated, she was MI:6 with her
partner, w/ gun, he has it, had it, he had it, in his pocket, inc., edward had white, yellow intestines to send people to
afghanistand, and white german ones, too, inc.1:46 pm edt
was part of, was on t/ M.I. Operation, Mission Impossible operation, as a 00., inc.8:49 am edt am edt am edt
Monday, March 20, 2017
hoegie owned the Amytiville Horror Picture Show, and shawn Amytiville w/ her and t/ kids, lil shawn and eric, eric 2 was The
Omen Child 3, III11:14 pm edt
did exorcisms w/ hoegie's dad together -- he's white.11:11 pm edt
hoegie, then his dad, then her, then she, owned Bates Motel.11:08 pm edt
hoegie's dad, john hoegler, sr., was her pastor, she was t/ Omen Child, shawn was t/ Amytiville Horror Show, Amytyville Horror,
phyllis had white intestines, silver intestines, then yellow intestines, and then white again intestines.11:01 pm edt
t/ movie, w/ hoegie, and hoegie's dad was her Pastor, and he had her oils, hoegie, her church oils, inc.10:56 pm edt
t/ Gestapo invented his own language, she spoke it when she was a little girl, and her mom too, older in life, and she was
Genovese, too, her mom was 330 yrs old. and her too in genovese years -- mob yrs, her dad finished his columbo file, her mom
finished her Genovese file a long time ago, she was American pie., inc.10:54 pm edt
their monsignor was Monsignor, James Lichtenthal, she finished her Pentagon file., inc.10:50 pm edt
finished her CIA Files; Al invented the Italian language, and her grandpa on her dad's side, and the Gestapo language on her
dad's side, for the gestapo, inc.10:48 pm edt
al was Transylvania w/ his mom, Transylvanian, Transylvania, as well, Mr. T had visited them in bklyn.10:15 pm edt
bruno was her bomber of the min, and bruno 2 her bomber of and in the min, and out of the min, too, in and of out of afghanistan,
their deacon was Deacon Norm, Deacon Norman, and Deacon Normand LaFleur, Deacon Normand LeFleur., inc.9:58 pm edt
her son, Eric, has, had, Transylvania DNA, Transylvanian dna, her grandpa on her dad's side, all of them, both of them, and
now eric, inc., bruno 2 was, is, her Bomber in the Min, of Afghanistan and now at Desert Storm, and in the min, again and
out to afghanistan, inc.9:49 pm edt
was Gwen Stefani, and Blake Shelton, helped out, and w/ Breast Cancer Awareness, and Maksim, Maxim, owned Maxim magazine w/
maksim, maxim and shawn, inc., chino got her messages, messaging at war and if john brennan.9:15 pm edt
they helped out and attended Jim Lichtenthal's birthday at church; their monsignor, their other Monsignor was Jim Lichtenthal.7:59 pm edt
eric 2 was both, t/ pointer and the mouse, and she had a vanessa jail in afghanistan, kuwait, and shawn did too, in both places,
they had jails in jordan, and in norway, all of them, and in saudi arabia, saudie arabia.6:34 pm edt*&spf=69, she used t/ marion cty courthouse as her
background, hoegie's dad was german secret police, and t/ one he lived w/ was fbi, t/ dad he lived with., inc.5:13 pm edt
got and used t/ gestapo lip balm, t/ truman lip balm, she worked on Carmex w/ truman in africa, and got t/ kenyan lip balm,
and t/ nigerian lip balm, inc.4:28 pm edt, worked at Brooklyn House, was a Correctional Officer, worked in a Women's Prison,
worked in a Women's Correctional Facility, inc.3:41 pm edt am edt am edt am edt
they used gestapo eyedrops, mylanta, vanilla, caramel flavored, gestapo mylanta.9:58 am edt
her mom took Cadista; she was a Pentagon Mob Hitter, and so was Engus, and so was shawn, upstairs, al was and owned Chicago
Justice, w/ her grandpa on her dad's side, her dad, and her, and engus, and shawn, w/ t/ kids, etc., inc.9:47 am edt
they used t/ Gold Bond lotion, Ultimate.9:34 am edt
they used t/ Japanese style Panko bread crumbs at t/ table9:29 am edt
they went to Chefs of Napoli IV, she had t/ house salad, w/ t/ house dressing, and the Fetuccini a la Carbonara, w/ bread,
sicilian bread, sicilian oil, w/ herbs and spices, her parents had t/ veal, she had enough veal.3:52 pm edt
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Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6
Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers
and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.
Carmen Wednesday, October
1, 2014
My youngest brother is currently hospitalized. He had a nervous/mental breakdown. Please pray for my brother
Andy. He deserves to live a peaceful life and be rid of all that makes his mind and heart suffer. May he be healed and return
home with a balanced mind and no need for excess medication that\'s been prescribed. Thank you for your prayers.
Olivia Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Healing for Baby Isabella, came out of a coma after falling in swimming
pool, doctor says not much more can be done, thank you for this prayer
Cindy Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Please pray for my dear friend Mary who died suddenly on Friday and her family.
alecs Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Lord, thank you for the help my brothers and sisters in the ILD family
gave to me last 16 Sept., during the time that I almost died because of an almost-fatal seizure in the office. But now Lord,
I am saddened that these brothers and sisters are now fighting among each other, unfounded rumors and gossip is being spread
that now affect us, as co-workers and friends (my brothers and sisters). I beseech for your guidance Lord, for all of us.
For wisdom for Boss Dodi, and each one of us. Please extend the spirit of trust and understanding to shine in our hearts.
I love you Lord. Amen
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
alice Wednesday, October 1, 2014
pray for me to get a job, i need to uplift someone i have a lot to do.....God
help me .....Lord here my humble prayer
Yadira Wednesday, October
1, 2014
I ask for prayers to help save my marraige of 6 years. I know there is still a great deal of love there. Please
help me pray that God and his Blessed Mother bless us with another chance at our marraige. Pray that he stops listening to
those who do not want to see us together. Pray that he starts thinking for himself and he doesn\\\'t forget me. Please pray.
I pray every day with a humble heart that The Lord listens to me, I trust in Him and my faith is with him. Thank you all.
And I will continue to pray for all of you as well. Betty, I\'m praying for you sweetheart.
Adrina Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dear Lord I bring before you Ramona - please heal her, bring her out of hospital
renewed and healed from the cancer. Give her strength to get through these rough times.
Steve Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dear Lord: I am sorry and pray for forgiveness for viewing pornography and masturbation.
I pray for renewal of soul and spirit. I pray my job does not suffer and is not affected and I am able to continue to prosper
and do well. I pray my family loves me unconditionally and does not treat me adversely. I pray for all who suffer at the hands
of vice and sin. Jesus is Lord! Lord hear our prayers! Amen!
Geri Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Today, Prayers were not answered for my son! Today has been so difficult as we try
to stay focus on God\'s Will! I beg our Holy Blessed Mother to show Mercy on my son. Please Pray for me and my family, AMEN
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Muller III/U.S. Federal Court Lawyer, Harry
- Lorde - CD
S. Muller II, Harry - Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Home Garden Scope
HSN TV - Home Shopping Network
Representative, Human Life International - Shawn (Shawnee)
Institute of Human and Machine Cognition - Laura
Hoegler, John
((Hoegie) - FBI Hitman)
Herzberg/AAA South, Lorie
Marion County Office of Public Information/PIO
Marion Oaks Public Library
McAfee Anti-Virus Scan
Mega Vote
Buble/Good Friend,
Palmer - Writer, Michael
Johnson, MPAC - Muslim Public Affairs Council - Samuel (Neighbor)
Brennan, National Gun Rights - Stephan
S. Muller,
National Institute of Justice - N.I.J. - Harry
Muller III, NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Harry S.
Williams, NBC - Brian
Johnson, New York Stock Exchange - Ira
Newscast Studio
Cuomo, NIC - National Institute of Corrections - Christopher
Mazur\, Nissan
- Dave
NY Times
NYT Wine Club
Ocala's Dentist
Old Navy
Orlando Diocese - Bishop
Our Prayer
Page Six - Daily Digest
Pearson Nissan of Ocala
Pearson Nissan
Pew Research
Rack Room
Rolling Stone Magazine
Daily Horoscopes
RTDNA - Reporters and Television Directors News Association
Viveros, St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church - Father David
Viveros, St. Theresa's
Roman Catholic Church - Father David
Stand for Life
T.J. Maxx
Team Work On-Line
Tech Crunch
III, The Atlantic
The Huffington Post
The New York
The New York Times
worked t/ Sicilian Mafia in t/ FBI, The Smithsonian
- Eric Johnson (Best Friend)
The Smithsonian
John Roberts - her Judge,
The United States Department of Justice (Best-Friend; Mafia Lawyer)
Time Magazine
Guerrero, U.S. Marshals - Eddie
Ulta Beauty
Baez, Vanessa
her Departed Chief, Village Airport
Van - Harry
Wal-Mart Vision Center
Wal-Mart - Rick - Technical Support
Vivero, Webmaster - St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church - Father David
WFLA - News Channel 8
Sweeney, WFTS - ABC 28 News Channel
- Tom
White House
Miller, William/ATF
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Sat, 18 Mar 2017 16:00
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Vanessa Johnson | I love
the Japanese language, am interested in the brain and how it works, and my passion for music is undescrible, while reading ...
shawn worked on sponsors, sponsorships as Dykstra; her, her mom, her dad, bruno, invented Hello Kitty., inc.9:08 pm edt
her grandpa on her dad's side invented t/ cotton machine w/ t/ gestapo, and al, and he invented t/ cotton mill.8:20 pm edt
her grandpa on her dad's side invented t/ cotton machine, and made a new one, bought it, put gold on it, made it w/ gold,
gold flecks, in white and gold, bronzed it for al, another one, he made it, another one, her grandpa on her dad's side invented
cotton, she did, too, she did.8:11 pm edt
they went to Monsignor James, Jim Lichtenthal's Birthday at the hall, had cake, her mom and she helped out, her mom w/ t/
cake, her having guests sign the guestbook, she signed them in, in cursive, they had white, yellow and purple cake, sang happy
birthday, picked up, she put the chairs in.7:38 pm edt
used german eyeliner, sicilian brow drama, and the german brow drama, eyeliner, brow drama, in soft blonde, soft brown, as
well, inc., john is dead.2:32 pm edt
t/ guns and roses greatest hits cd came out at walmart, and mary visited them, joe and her were in blacklist redemption, joe
had blogged on her website, inc.4:32 pm edt's+Day&oi=ddle&hl=en&*&spf=699:16 am edt
Thursday, March 16, 2017
shawn was goofy, and her, she was Ava Gardner, Eva Gardner, slash hitman was t/ brother of t/ min11:41 pm edt
she and hoegie taught a class in t/ pentagon, separately, and then together, slash hitman had t/ calm gene, gave it to him,
her, and ken, lil shawn., hoegie was her and shawn's pentagon counselor.11:31 pm edt
her dad paid for the calm gene for shawn, her, t/ kids, chance, chase, pat, ben, patrick, benjamin, kimmie, kimberly, phyllis,
and ed, edward, himself, not him, her, too, inc., shawn, lil shawn, eric, eric 2.10:56 pm edt
Click here for the accessible version
chance had t/ Calm gene, saul calmed her, so did he, her had it, she had it, shawn and ben, he bought it for them both., saul
did too., they had, bought pasteles de guineo, they bought
them from felix.6:47 pm edt
wore peacock earrings, in black, gold, white, mint green, light green, green, dark green, inc.12:44 pm edt am edt am edt am edt
they got, she used, got, an Oxy Life pen, Oxylife pen, red and white, Radiology & Associates pen, an Ocala Hilton pen, and
paper, with handkerchiefs both inside and outside9:59 am edt
Leslie McDougall, was their Finance Manager for their car, t/ new one, at Pearson9:24 am edt am edt am edt am edt, and cornelius was on both of those shows, too, inc.10:45 pm edt, was on Law and Order, and on NYPD Blue, so was hoegie, and then shawn,
inc., and then henry, and then t/ kids, and eric, inc., harry, harriet, her parents, t/ kids10:43 pm edt, eric is, was billabong, and so was she, and them all,
inc., and shawn and sebastian, as well, and t/ kids, her mom and dad.10:40 pm edt
they were Old Swiss, Old Swiss Cheese, inc., and Fats domino pants was her dad, all of them, her dad created Fats Domino,
it was her, inc., shawn was chubby checker for bruno, bruno was bruno and chubby checker.8:39 pm edt
they had Tastykake, and Pink Snowballs.8:37 pm edt
had Tastykake, pink snowballs, both were Genovese, and Domino Pants, were both Sicilian and Genovese.8:36 pm edt
they were all FBI-Arkansas, she was Benghazi, was on the Benghazi strip, like her mom, dad, her dad, sebastian, henry, shawn,
t/ kids, saul, slash, t/ slash hitmen, slash hitman., inc.3:00 pm edt
read the Coastal Angler, the Avon Book.2:04 pm edt
got and read t/ Ulta, Ulta Beauty, Ulta Beauty Salon magazines, used t/ hospital sanitizer2:02 pm edt
had a Cadbury Creme egg, got it, got and had Smart Water, a pack, small, medium, and large ones., inc.1:08 pm edt
her mom went to West Marion, Timberidge, they went with her, inc., they triaged her, took her blood pressure, Patty, was her
R.N., C. Brown was her P.A., her Dr. was Dr. Fraunfelter, t/ Chief of Medicine, Sam was her R.N., her dad went to t/ doc.,
got checked out, had a doctor's apt., her mom got was given a steroid, an injection, at times, sometimes, with benadryl in
the injection, 25 mg., her dad got a cushion for the couch, to use, used it on the couch, her mom got red, orange toenails.12:54 pm edt am edt am edt
changed her contacts more than a couple of times.9:17 am edt
wore black, silver, monkey earrings, was a monkey in the fbi9:10 am edt
Plan an inspiring
2017 summer in public service or entertainment.
Dear Vanessa,
On a daily basis, we receive inquiries
from young American Muslims asking, “How can I get involved? How can I make a difference?” There is no
doubt that the current vitriolic political climate has motivated our youth to be more civically engaged and take action to
fight injustices they are witnessing in our nation today.
For the past 30 years, it has been MPAC’s mission
to develop the next generation of young American Muslim leaders who will enrich our society and serve as a voice for our community
in government, media and Hollywood. Young people are the key to improving Muslim representation, which leads to a better understanding
of Islam.
This summer, we have opportunities for young American Muslims to become involved with MPAC so they can
advocate for our community and advance their careers.
Leaders Summits
MPAC takes a group of undergraduate and postgraduate students to the nerve centers of America: Washington, D.C.
and Hollywood. Our Summits are designed to introduce young American Muslims to the arenas that shape public policy and public
In D.C., delegates will meet with professionals who work in policy-making and media/public affairs.
In Hollywood, delegates will meet with screenwriters, television and film directors, and producers.
Summits application deadline is Friday, April 28.
MPAC’s internship program is an exciting opportunity to get involved in improving public understanding and
policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media and communities. If you are interested in making your
voice heard and interning with us this summer, we have internship programs in both our Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles offices.
The internship application deadline is Friday, April 14.
By encouraging young American Muslims to become involved in policy, media and Hollywood, we are making Muslims an integral
part of this country’s growth and development. Our summits and internship program are shaping and providing a platform
for our next American Muslim leaders that our country desperately needs.
Best wishes,
Hoda Hawa Director of Policy and Advocacy
Sue Obeidi Director of the Hollywood Bureau
If you support our
work in preparing the next generation of American Muslim leaders, please donate to help continue our innovative work.
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was on ncis: miami, was Vanessa Ferlito on the show, in ncis miami., inc., played her, was her., was on Trial and Error, Trial
& Error.10:42 pm edt
had t/ Maxwell House, Cafe Vienna, Vienna Cafe, Vienna, Francais, t/ French Vanilla Cafe, the Cafe Swiss, the Suizza, Suiza,
and t/ variety pack, French Francais, cafe, was on ncis la, los angeles, kansas9:21 pm edt
clean under t/ cyberlink, her mom was her math teacher in, at pentagon school, got a b+, shawn got an a-, a+, todd got a b++,
saul got an a ++, sebastin, sebastian got a B-, already, inc., and a B+ in Love, thats slash ii, slash 2, doz., inc., slash
doz.7:46 pm edt
got a black, grey, granite, gold, muslim purse notebook., inc.7:39 pm edt, was P online, Frontline, Online, On-Line, had brighthouse networks in tpa, and
shawn, w/ edward, and saul had the dish, and brighthouse networks, too.7:15 pm edt
wore, put on Elizabeth Arden, Red Door, saul was6:35 pm edt, al helped edit Self magazine w/ slash and slash hitman, and his
family and friends, inc.4:02 pm edt
they went to the Blessing of their Car, Blessing of the Car at St. Theresa's., inc.3:56 pm edt
Father David Vivero blessed their car, their new car.9:29 am edt
wore a large, white '50's hairband, headband, and mint green, turquoise earrings, inc.9:15 am edt, wore a silver band9:04 am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt am edt, was Sammie Zononna on the voice, was t/ Pink Heart, was in
an excedrin commercial, and in an advil pm ad, commercials, inc., her brother was god's son, he invented t/ silver and red
drainer in the min, of the god min, inc., he was the Black Heart of the min, was also, inc.9:54 pm edt, was Casey on The Voice, invented t/ drainer w/ god
w/ felt, green felt, him blue rubber., inc.9:41 pm edt, her grandpa on her dad's side gave her t/ red heart, and al gave
her a red and white heart, inc.8:39 pm edt, william miller had given her a pink, pink and white heart., inc.8:01 pm edt, they browsed, went browsing, they went to the big department
stores, visited, inc.7:56 pm edt
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Bo's Collision and Carl Johnson's Towing went to their house., inc., and had returned their car there, to their home, and
picked up, then they took their cars in to be traded-in, inc., together, inc.4:46 pm edt
AAA came to their house, fixed her mom's car, her old car was traded in too.4:45 pm edt
Carl Johnson's Towing picked up their car from St. Theresa's, had it fixed, the old car was fixed.4:44 pm edt
they had her dad's car picked up, t/ old one, of two yrs., from Bo's Collision, picked it up, had traded it in4:43 pm edt
they bought a new car, of the year, from Pearson Nissan of Ocala, from Car Salesman, Carlos Hernandez, and Pearson Team, Awilda.,
inc.4:42 pm edt, they traded-in her father's car, and her mother's car, and got a brand new car
for 2017, used Bo's Collision, went to Bo's Collision, used AAA, and used Carl Johnson's Towing, and Bo's Collision went to
their house, and Carl Johnson's Towing did, too.4:17 pm edt
her mom got her hair cut, really short in t/ back, a couple of times, w/ a w in the back, and her toenails done, a couple
of times.3:24 pm edt